A bad example.

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The principal sighed and placed the phone down after having that conversation with baldi. Playtime walked towards the principal once more just remembering something. "Daddy is it ok if a friend comes over??" the small girl asked hoping he would let her new 'friend' come over. "Oh, you're having a friend come over?... I guess that fine sweetheart." the principal stated smiling towards play time. He could have said no since he really wasn't wanting to see any of his students but was surprised about the fact that play time had made a new friend and they were coming over. This could also give him the advantage of seeing who that generous student is. "Thanks!" the child smiled brightly happy to know that the principal was kind enough to let her new
'friend' come over for a while.

A few minutes later while the principal was still watching TV the doorbell ringed. The principal figured it was playtime's friend since baldi wouldn't ring the doorbell but instead just straight up open the door since the principal gave him the house keys.
"Is that your friend sweetheart?." The principal asked once he saw play time trying to look into the peephole by herself. The principal chuckled a bit and walked over to help her reach it. "Yep!" The small girl excitedly replied as she got down off the principals arms. The principal sat back down and continued watching TV. Play time opened the door smiling, happy to know that Bully actually came. Bully was a bit nervous sense it was his first time inside a 'friends' house? Well surly things got worse for him once the entere the house and saw who one of the parents of play time was. Bully and the principal have a really bad relationship with each other, sense the bully is always trying to break rules all the time and keeps getting in trouble mostly making him see the principal almost everyday of the week.

The principal didn't notice Bully until play time decided to 'introduced her new friend'. "Daddy look! This is my new friend!" Bully was extremely nervous and didn't know what to do at the time. Once the principal turned to look at them with a smile, his smile turned sort of into a disappointed look. He wasn't expecting to see one of the worse students in the school to be playtimes 'friend'. "alright...you kids go have fun." he turned away still have a disappointing look to him. He didn't want Bully to be playtimes friend since he didn't want her to get a bad example out of him. Tho she looked really happy of being able to play with a kid her age and the principal didn't want to take that precious smile away.

Playtime smiled and grabbed Bully by his hand walking him into her room to talk about the bully's request from school. "The...principals your dad?..." the bully asked being sort of confused and concerned. "yep!" play time replied happily. "ugh...whats next? The counselor is your mom?..." Bully said this since he always thought of the principal and counselor to have sort of the same attitude towards him whenever he got in trouble everyone at the school considered the counselor to be a second worse person in the school after baldi.
"Nope hah. I don't have a mother" playtime cleared out in a way. "oh...so you only have your dad?... That's kinda sad..." bully said, playtime laughed and replied once more. "No silly, I have two dads. The other being my math teacher baldi." she normally said being proud of her family, not knowing how bad it was to give bully all this information. He could do whatever he wanted with it. But it also meat that if he were to do something the principal and baldi would know who spread the word. Bully thought to himself about what actions he should do next.


Here's the chapter for today. Hope you enjoyed it. I don't have much to say, but I do have to say that I'm moving to another country which means it's going to take me a while to finish this book, but I'll eventually do it. The end is near.

-Benjamin [aka: writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now