What truly happend.

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After class baldi and the principal headed out to have lunch in the faculty room like always while the students where in the lunchroom like usual. Just as they planned earlier they were going to talk about what happened while the principal was gone. The principal drank his coffee slowly while explaining the situation. He explained everything except the part in which he made that decision he kept repeating every day. As imagined baldi was pretty pissed to find out that the one behind all of this was phantom. He thought he would be hearing about him anymore, but I guess he was wrong. " I swear next time I see him he's going to be fucking sorry!" baldi angrily stated concerning the principal. " baldi relax..." principal worriedly said. "relax?! You want me to fucking relax?! That bitch could have done worse to you! He could have raped you! He didn't do that did he?! " baldi concernedly asked the principal wanting him to be honest. " No, he thankfully didn't do that...but he did play with my emotions a little...he made me look at you from a very different perspective...and I really didn't enjoy it..." once the principal stated that he soon was reminded of what happened that day after the phone call with baldi.

A flashback suddenly came to him and he explained everything that happend that day. " hah...principal of the thing. Falling in love With his new coworker of the year. What a shame, You don't even know what baldis capable of. The man has experience with murder." the phantom chatted towards the principal in which was sitting in bed. " that was an accident...he never meant to kill that innocent child...." the principal didn't want to talk about this kinda stuff. It sort scares him a bit to think about it
" Oh, him not talking about that child. I'm talking about other incidences, such as family. " the phantom evily grinned towards the principal trying to convince him with the truth. "what...what are you talking about?...baldi wouldn't do such thing...." the principal couldn't believe the Phantom words. " you really don't believe me? Hah you have fallen in love with a killer who killed his entire family. What makes you think he wouldn't do the same to you once he finds out he's got a supernatural boyfriend. He hates my fucking guts and wishes he could end me. I bet is going to be the same for you once he finds out. "  the phantom kept making the principal feel worse and worse. The principal didn't know what to think or if he should even believe the phantom.
"......do you really think he's capable of doing that?....."  the principal asked looking down still not knowing what to feel or how to react to any of this.
" I'm sure. I've seen him do it way too many times."  the Phantom soon noticed the principals face of disbelieve and smiled. " still don't believe me? Hah, why don't you go find out for yourself? It wouldn't matter much to him if you were to jump off tall buildings right now. So what's the point of being here if nobody is going to accept you. " the phantom stated seriously towards the principal. He really wanted him gone to have baldi for himself and he thought to play with his emotions would help. " I don't know to be honest...ive tried so hard to get a happy life...and once I thought I did everything just fell apart and brought me to this..." the principal said soon making his eyes a bit watery. " aww...really. Poor you...why don't we just end the suffering now? I'll give you a day to be with your beloved stonehearted lover and then you'll come back to me so I can put you out of your misery. " the phantom kept making baldi seem extremely bad. "sure..." the phantom was surprised after the principal slightly agreed to do the Phantom recommendation he wasn't expecting him to actually agree to it. It seemed like the principal was feeling extremely down. "you sure buddy? Once you've agreed to this there's no going back. " the Phantom gave a warning to the principal to make sure. The principal laid back down feeling terribly bad. " yeah...i don't actually care anymore. I much rather get killed by the person I love if they would really be capable of doing so..."  the principal stated in a really low voice. "ok then whatever you say. Even if baldi decided to not kill you it doesn't mean I'm not capable of killing you myself." the phantom grinned evily towards the principal once more but the principal didn't care. He was thinking too much to care about whatever the phantom was stating. "ok..." the principal agreed to something stupid to soon regret his decision later on in the future.


Heyy...sorry I didn't update for so long... I got invited to a damn birthday party to then be taken home at 4:00 am the next day because my aunt decided to stay up drinking all night. Which messed up my sleeping schedule and is the reason in my I didn't update for 2 days and also because I've been stressed a lot lately for a lot of things. Tho you guys don't have to worry about it. I'm fine, I've just been stressed because of the anxiety of going back to school. Ugh... Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. I've purposely wanted to make this book long that way people get to enjoy as much. And also because the next book and continuation of this book in the future is going to have a different plot form this one. But it's still going to be a continuation of this book.

-benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now