Path of a riddle

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They made it to the hospital and they told baldi and play time to wait in the waiting room while the doctors tried to help the principal which had lost a lot of blood. Baldi was extremely confused. 'How did all of this happen?...what caused this?...did I do this? No..I didn't break any rules from the deal...' baldi wanted to know what happened but he couldn't think straight. His mind kept blacking out whenever he had the thought of the principal not being there anymore. It was rare to see baldi cry since he honestly never showed emotions that sad, But right now, Having those thoughts didn't help. His eyes watered but weren't really in tears yet. Playtime fell asleep on baldi while waiting. He was going to ask her what happened but didn't want to wake her up. She looked so peaceful, he didn't want to take that away from her.

Soon a few minutes later baldi noticed someone looking at him. The phantom followed them and was against the wall looking over at baldis detection. Baldi noticed it was the same guy who randomly spoke to him at the theater and got a bit suspicious and angry. Baldi gently placed play time on the chair not to wake her up and walked over to the stranger. "hey! Are you following me?!" phantom didn't speak but raised an eyebrow and looked at baldi. He then looked away and shrugged. " what if I am?" the phantom replied not caring. " what do you mean?! Quit it! It's creepy and I literally don't want to see your face anymore!" baldi angrily stated towards the phantom. He didn't like the fact that a stranger was following him and then agreed that he was. "relax...I'm not leaving until I get what I'm waiting for..." the phantom said while looking over to the opposite way from baldi. Baldi was curious a bit but still pretty pissed off. "and what's that?" baldi asked with no problem. " the face of sorrow...but if things don't go as Intended to...then I guess I'll have to trick the lion into my cage with a piece of meat." the phantom replied to his question. "the fuck was that? A riddle?? I literally have no time for your bullshit games" baldi said as he walked back to his seat and carried playtime. "hah...ok then" phantom mumbled to himself.

A few hours passed and a doctor came out and walked towards baldi. "your mister baldi, am I right?" the doctor asked while looking at a paper he was holding. " everything alright?" baldi asked wanting to know if the principal was ok. "oh yes...everything is fine. He somehow managed to survive all that blood loss. " baldi was so glad he was ok. He almost started crying but kept it in "could we go see him ?" baldi asked wanting to see his lover. "yes, you may see him after signing these." the doctor passed him some papers. Baldi tried signing those papers quickly, he gave no shits about the papers he just wanted to see the love of his life still breathing. Baldi gave back the papers and stood up carrying the sleeping child. "thanks you sir. Please Follow me" the doctor said walking down the hallway to the principals assigned room. "this is his room. You are free to go in if you would like to" the doctor walked away after telling that to baldi. Baldi walked in and saw the principal laying on the bed , he was awake. he looked weak and tired. Baldi sat on the chair next to the bed. The principal soon noticed baldi was there with playtime. "B-baldi..." the principal said Baldi's name weakly once he saw him. "Are you feeling ok?..." baldi asked while he placed his hand gently on the side of the principals face.
" yeah... Baldi...I-it hurts..." the principal said weakly to baldi. Baldi felt bad for his loved one. Baldi wished he wasn't in this position. 'why him? Why couldn't have been me the one who has been stabbed?...' baldi thought to himself. "what happened?...what happened to you?...who did this?" baldi asked the principal concerned and ready to beat up whoever did this. "i don't know...everything happened so fast...all I can remember is what they told me before passing out....'such perfect timing principle'....he knew me...but I can't seem to recognize his voice..." principal told baldi. Baldi was still confused but was suspecting something.


Be glad I didn't think the principal dying would be a good idea because I need him to make things interesting in the future. Also, the phantoms riddle means something and sort of gives a small hint to future chapters. That's why I included the word riddle into the title.  want to see if you guys could figure it out now or in the future if you can find it in future chapters. 

-benjamin [aka: writer]

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