Such a let down

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As baldi was in line to get the popcorn he was about to pay the man at the counter to get what he wanted until the man in the counter got told something through his headset that made him stop for a minute. It seemed that a coworker found the small child and the principal in the movie room and mostly told all the workers after calling the ambulance. Baldi was a bit confused on why the man had such a concerned look on his face. Soon a message was said thru the speakers of the hole movie theater. "attention everyone. The theater will be closed due to a serious problem that we are currently dealing with. We would like for everyone to please follow the rules and exit the theater. " that was all. A few minutes after that everyone was kicked out of the theater. Tho baldi was a bit concerned while waiting for play time and the principal to come out of the theater. As phantom came out of the theater like everyone else he noticed baldi waiting outside the doors for his lover and the small girl. The phantom grin with joy, he didn't regret anything. Seeing baldis concerned face was a reward to him. a few minutes later the ambulance arrived, at this point baldi was extremely concerned and didn't know what to think. "what happens?! Did they get hurt?! No! It can't be...they probably locked in....yeah...." baldi was thinking out loud to himself as he waited.

"why don't you just accept the fact that someone got hurt."  The Phantom States while sneaking behind baldi silently making baldi jump a bit unexpectedly "what?... Who are you?" baldi asked as he turned to look at the disguised phantom. "there is no need for me to tell you who I am." the phantom replied. He didn't want to give away his identity to baldi sense he knew it wouldn't be smart to do that. Soon the paramedics got out of the ambulance and when inside to get the hurt victim. "then what do you want? I have no time to be talking with strangers in a situation like this." baldi stated towards the phantom wishing nun of the hurt victims were play time nor the principal. He soon then saw a paramedic carrying play time out gently. She was crying. 'is she hurt?! What's going on?' baldi though to himself while quickly going towards the paramedic holding play time. "is she ok?!" baldi asked quickly to the paramedic. Playtime saw baldi and got away from the paramedic and hugged baldi tightly. "mister baldi..." play time sobbed while baldi carried her and check on her to see if she was ok. "whats wrong?... Why are you crying?...where the principal?"  baldi asked play time to see what was going on. But he soon later he figured it out by himself. Soon two paramedics were bringing out the principal on a stretcher. He was unconscious and bleeding! Everything dropped in baldis insides. Everything was blurred. Seeing the principal seriously hurt and unconscious really made baldi lose everything. This wasn't a dream anymore. It was a reality. Anything could happen. He just hoped with all his heart that he'll be fine.

"excuse me.." a voice called out. It sounded far away but soon got closer and clear. "excuse me...sir?" a paramedic was trying to call baldis attention to ask something really quick. Baldi blinked a few times waking up from his thoughts. "uh..sorry...yes?" baldi replied soon taking a deep breath. "sorry to bother you...but are you a family member of these people?" a family member? ... Well...kinda?. He loved both play time and the principal like family. "...yes..." baldi replied while still feeling hurt from seeing the principal like that. "ok then. Would you mind going with us to the hospital?" the paramedic asked. Baldi really wanted to go. He wanted to make sure the principal was ok and to make playtime feel better. "No I wouldn't mind at all! Thanks...really" baldi thanked the paramedic softly for offering them to go with the principal. Phantom smiled evily. "hah...he's not going to make it. That much blood loss would kill instantly before he even gets to the hospital " phantom stated proudly to himself. He wanted the principal gone from the picture.


So...what do you think might happen? Will the principal make it and survive. Or is the phantom right and did everything as planned? I wanna know your guy's thoughts on this one hah.

-benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now