A NonBeliever

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The bald man kept begging for the principal to open the door so he could finally explain what was going on. The principal felt bad to leave him out and not giving him a chance to explain. But at the same time he felt hurt to see his face again. "baldimore please go home..." the principal said once more trying so hard not to get emotional. "home isn't the same without you...please, at least give me a chance to explain what's going on...and I promise I'll leave you alone for as long as you want afterwards..." baldi said sadly hoping this time he would open. The principal sighed once more and slowly opened the door with a sort of mad face but with tears about to burst out of his eyes. "please make this fast... " the principal stated while avoiding eye contact with baldi by looking down. Baldi hugged the principal tightly once he opened the door not carrying about getting the principal wet with his clothed which was soaking wet from standing outside for too long in the rain. The principal slightly hugged back but quickly pulled away from the hug. "baldi I just want an explanation" the principal stated once more before handing baldi a towel that was nearby in his living room. The principal let baldi in and they both had a sit on the couch to talk about it.

"i want you to be 100% honest with me baldi." the principal told baldi before he could explain things to the principal. Baldi soon then started explaining what happened and things about the phantom that prevented him from telling anything to the principal. Baldis face was mostly serious throughout the time he was explaining everything to the principal from when it started to where it was about to end. The part where it mostly hit baldi emotionally was explaining the dream. In where his loved one was killed right in front of him right before his eyes. It almost made baldi cry. The principal was having a hard time believing baldi. But saw how everything fit together easily.

"well...that explains a lot...but are you sure it's just not anger issues?..." the principal asked a bit confused and stuck. if he should believe baldi or not. "i am a very impatient person but I don't have anger issues princi!" baldi shouted a bit towards the principal trying to make him believe him. "yeah. Whatever you say hah..." the principal giggle a bit truly not believing him but still sort of thinking about it. "does that mean all you said about me wasn't true?..." the principal was looking down while slightly looking up at baldi. "of course not! I would never say those kinds of things to you..." the bald man said as he got closer to the principal and gently raised his head up to look at him. The principal still tried to avoid eye contact with baldi while a few dark tears escaped his eyes slowly. "are you...crying?.." baldi softly asked the principal. "N-no...you just really get me emotional sometimes..." the principal stated as he buried his face into baldis sweater hugging him tightly and gently. Baldi hugged the principal back, soon then laying down on the couch with him. The principal's face was still buried into baldis sweater as he laid on top of baldi on the couch. "hey princi...what where you doing up this late at night?..." baldi asked sort of curious and concerned over the principal. "totally not eating ice cream sadly while crying inside my kitchen...." the principal mumbled under baldis sweater. Baldi soon started playing with the principal's hair while the principal laid on top of him slowly falling asleep. "love you, Princi. " baldi said while gently kissing the principals forehead. "i love you too, baldi..." the principal said while yawning, letting himself fall asleep on baldi afterward.


Here the 17th chapter already! I hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter might not chock some of you because it could be somewhat predictable in a way.

-benjamin [aka: writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum