Who knew this world could be so easy to handle with some Patients

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As the principal awkwardly looks down at the little girl from what she said earlier he try's to think of something that wouldn't make this conversation even more awkward than what it already is. He soon smiles down at her and gently pats her head. " I'm sorry darling, I can't stay here for too long. I need to go home to do some important stuff. Such as buying you that jump rope hah. "the small child smiled brightly and hugged the principal tightly. "Thanks, mister!"

The principal felt so accomplished to make that child smile that bright. Honestly, his favorite things are to make kids happy which is one of the reasons he decided to become a principal at the school. He has never imagined a kid would be so happy to see him. It just didn't click in his mind. He found it sort of funny that he was mostly the most loved staff member in the school. While Baldi was the most hated. It was kinda obvious why. Baldi is really strict with his kids and honestly really harsh on them. While the principal was nice and calm about everything and gave second chances if needed. This kid was somewhat starting to connect with the principal. Specially his feelings. She was starting to become part of life in a way. But he wasn't sure still. He just knew she was a special snowflake. "well I have to go now. See you tomorrow " he smiled once more towards the child has he started making his way to the entrance of the school. He soon then stoped and realized something. 'if she doesn't know what a family is, and she doesn't have any. Where is she exactly staying ?'. The principal thought as He slowly stoped walking towards the door and turned back a bit. "hey um. Can I ask you something before I leave? " he said with a worried tone "yes. " the girl quickly replied. The principal soon then walked over to her and asked: "where do you exactly go after you leave school?" the girl looked down a bit then looked up back at him. " well I live in the orphanage. " she replied once more this time, not whit a happy tone what so ever. "oh.. Ok then. Thanks for telling me. I'll see you tomorrow now. Hope you have a nice day."
The principal felt bad for her. He honestly didn't know what to do. He pats her gently once more in the head before leaving the school going straight to his house.

The next day came by and like always the principal was already at school early and ready while Baldi almost came late again. "good morning mister Baldi" the principal smiled as the bald man walked over to him and hugged him. "you seem very tired. Are you ok hah?" baldi smiled a bit with tired eyes. "yeah I'm fine. Haha why do you have to be so formal. " the bald man asked while giggling a bit. The principal was a bit confused on what he just asked "umm. What do you mean?.."
"you know you don't have to call me 'mister Baldi' right? " the principal laughs a bit at his statement "yeah, I do know that. I just like feeling like a professional, hah also can you let go of me. I don't like hugging for too long in front of children. " the bald man did as told. The principal smiles and sees the small girl 'play time ' walking towards them. "good morning darling, how are you?" the small girl runs towards him and hugs him like always. "I'm doing great mister!" the principal smiles and hands her the jump rope she was waiting for. "thats great. And here the jump rope I promised " the little grabs the jump rope and smile brighter than ever. Her face showed happiness all over. "Thank you so much!! " once more she hugged him tightly and kept smiling.
Soon then the bell ringed for everyone to go to class. "hurry kiddo you don't want to miss my class ." Baldi stated while he started to walk to his classroom with the small girl. "Baldi remember, don't be too harsh on kids!" the principal yelled to remind Baldi that he really shouldn't be too harsh on his kids. Especially because his topic of teaching is one of the more complicated ones

As Baldi was teaching his class a few minutes after the bell he noticed the small girl 'play time' drawing instead of paying attention to Baldi's teaching or simply doing her work. He walks up to her and smacks his ruler against her desk to call her attention. "hey! What are you doing drawing in my class?!. This is not art class you know!" the girl jumped a bit after he smacked his ruler and started yelling at her. She soon then slowly raises the paper up to Baldi's face for him to see and he stops yelling after seeing her drawing. It was a cute drawing that a child would draw for their family. But it was with Baldi and the principal. The drawing was sort of cute and it truly affected Baldi. "well...since you and mister principal always hag out together and get pretty well with each other I thought it might make you happy..." the little girl looked a bit terrified. she didn't notice that Baldi soon after seeing the drawing he was completely in love with it. "do you mind... If I keep this?" the bald man asked calmly. "no of course not" she handed the paper to Baldi for him to keep. He started to like this little girl more than what he used to. She was actually pretty sweet.


That's all for today! I hope this was an interesting chapter and it sort of entertained you guys. I'll just say this for the people who didn't know. I upload new chapters of this every day so stay tuned.

-benjamin [Aka: writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now