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The principal looked at the papers with regrets of not turning them in sooner. The principal though for a moment his decisions. 'if I go to jail I'm going to lose job, my capability to see baldi and play time, and probably my family would think I'm something I'm really not...' the principal sighed slightly. " I honestly have not choice but to go with you..." the principal said slightly looking away avoiding eye contact with the phantom in which was grinning with pleasure. " I knew you wouldn't throw your life away like that hah..."  the phantom put the papers away and pulled away from where he was pinning in the principal. "how do you know so much about me?..." the principal asked once he could breathe normally without being so scared from what was happening. " stop asking me questions, cause I'll likely not answer any of them. " the phantom replied straightforward. The only reason he wasn't just killing the principal and leaving to get baldi for himself was that he just noticed how hard it would be to get baldi to like him after one of the most important people in baldis life died. "ok then..."

Baldi woke up late and noticed playtime. Already awake. He quickly got up and headed downstairs to make her some breakfast. He was feeling a bit down, that morning felt so...silet and sad. He missed the principal being by his side. Even tho he was happy he was alive and safe, he couldn't get off the feeling something bad would happen if he wasn't there. he placed the food for playtime on the table not making food for himself. "are you not going to eat mister baldi?..." the small girl asked right before eating. " I'm not really that hungry...thanks for asking tho." baldi said slightly smiling at the small child. He sat on the table drinking some coffee he made for himself. "hey...playtime. What happend at the theater?..." baldi asked really wanting to know. The small child looked down sort of sacred. "i can't tell..." she said silently a bit. "and why not?." baldi replied wanting to have an understandable reason on why playtime couldn't tell him. "because then I'll get hurt just like papa did..." play time told baldi shocking  him after she called the principal 'papa as in dad?... I thought they weren't related' baldi though to himself confused a bit. "wait...the principals your dad?..." baldi asked playtime wanting to clear things out. "well... He told me he would take care of me and adopt me after you two fought...he was sad wanted company. He told me he would give me a happy family. He's a really nice person...and i didn't want him to get hurt...but i didn't want to get hurt...i just wanted to go home..." playtime sadly stated almost crying. She got down from the chair and walked towards baldi and tightly hugging him. "its ok...we know it wasn't your fault..." baldi hugged her back and thought of something to make her feel better. He thought since playtime didn't get a chance to talk with the principal yesterday, why not go see him again to keep him company. What he didn't know was that the principal had left already and was in a tough situation "hey. Want to go visit the principal? " baldi asked the sad child that felt guilty for something she couldn't do anything about. She smiled wanting to see his future father. She truly was sad about the principal getting hurt. But was happy he was alive. "yes please!...wait mister baldi you also signed the papers as well ...does that mean your my dad as well? " the small child asked being curious. Baldi thought for a minute 'wait...those were the adoption papers?...oh wow. Well then. It makes sense in why he needed two signatures. ' baldi thought to himself ." yeah...technically i am. " baldi said realizing he just had a daughter. Or at least he'll be having one really soon once the principal turns in the papers.


That's this chapter for today.^^
Well you guys don't have any idea on what the riddle was expected for someone who managed on solve the riddle right before the last chapter was updated. @Inky_kageyama actually was the first person in solving a part of the riddle And @midnight_star79 was another in which knew part of it as well. I had to include these people in since you guys wanted me to solve the riddle for you and well i feel like giving credits for them trying to solve it and actually getting it.
For you guys to understand, I'll label each thing in the riddle for you. First: the face of sorrow. When the phantom says he's waiting for the face of sorrow he means he's waiting to see baldis face of sadness once he hears the news of the principal being dead. Second: by what the phantom means by "if things don't go as i intended for them to do then i guess I'll have to trick the lion into my cage with a piece of meat. " he means if things don't go as he planned them too and the principal doesn't die, he's going to trick the principal into his plan with the adoption papers.

In short terms
Sorrow: baldis sad and depressed feelings.
Lion: principal
Cage: phantoms plan on the principal to do as he says
Meat: adoption papers.

So yeah! That's the riddle in which predicted a future chapter. Hope it was sort of fun to try in find it. Lol.
Also I've just noticed while writting this that tomorrow is my birthday...yay.

-Benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now