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Monday 7:14 a

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Monday 7:14 a.m.

Yoongi walked into the cafe and stopped in his tracks. There she was, sitting in her chair at her table, scribbling away in a notebook. Her hair was up in a bun and was wild, all over the place. Her socks were grey and scrunched down around her calfs and her pink converse were being worn in all their glory. She was wearing a bright pink sweater and light blue shorts. Yoongi felt himself smile under his mask at the girl. She was back. Just like the barista said. Weird morning girl was back. He walked to the line and waited behind a few people. He looked behind him and saw that she was still sitting at her table, completely focused on whatever she was doing. Yoongi frowned but sighed.

"Uh, large ice coffee with hazelnut and whipped cream...oh and a large iced vanilla coffee with whipped cream and caramel sauce drizzle." he ordered and the barista looked at him weird, then behind him.

"Ah, for her." She smiled and Yoongi bowed his head, hiding his eyes. "See, told you she would be back." Yoongi looked up and smiled, it obvious by his eyes.

"Yeah, you did." He nodded and handed her his card. He waited at the end of the bar for the drinks, occasionally looking back at the table where weird morning girl was. She was still focused on whatever she was doing. His order was called and he grabbed to straws and put them in the drinks before walking over to her table. Slowly. Painfully slowly.

What was he afraid of? That she would forget him? That she found a new stoic masked stranger to pester every morning? Nah...

"Good morning." He greeted her. She looked up at him and she stared at him with wide eyes. He handed her the drink he bought her. "I saw you were out of your drink so I bought you one. Vanilla coffee with whipped cream and caramel drizzle." He smiled at her, well his eyes smiled at her. She simply stared at him, blinking before slowly taking the cup from his hands. "What?"

"What's got you so chipper this morning, stranger?" She asked, her lips curling up to a smile. "I thought you hated mornings."

"I still do. But you were so focused, figured you could use a pick me up." He shrugged his shoulders. He could see her cheeks flush pink and he smirked under his mask.

"Thank you..." She whispered softly. "For the drink and for the pick me up, but you didn't have too...for both." She told him, and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you mind if I-"

"No no! Go right on ahead! Of course you can stranger." She laughed nervously and Yoongi sat down beside her at her table. Her table...she was back.

"So, where've you been...?" He asked casually.

"Oh...something came up back home and mom needed my help." She answered, but her whole demeanor changed. She wasn't smiling, she seemed sad.

"I'm sorry..." Yoongi apologized quietly but she looked up at him with a smile and shook her head.

"No worries, stranger." She took a sip of her drink and she glared at him. "Did you get extra whipped cream?" She asked and he frowned his brows.


"You forgot my extra whipped cream you jerk!" She exclaimed as she slapped his arm. It didn't hurt at all. Yoongi's eyes widen at her outburst. Weird morning girl stopped and started laughing at him. "It's okay. I'll forgive you just this once. But next time you surprise me with a drink. Make sure there is extra whipped cream go it?"

"What makes you think there's going to be a next time?" Yoongi asked.

"Because you're sitting with me, duh. We're friends now."

"We don't even know each others names..." Yoongi started but something caught his eye on her phone.

Best of Me - BTS.

She's an ARMY? He asked himself then looked at her. If she was an ARMY surely she would've recognized my voice...right? He thought...

"You a fan of BTS?" Yoongi asked casually.

"Huh?" She looked down and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I am. They're really amazing and their music just speaks to me...they make me happy." She replied with a sigh. She took another drink of her coffee and looked at him. "It's Choi Jaehwa, by the way."

"Huh?" Yoongi asked, looking up from her phone to her.

"Jaehwa. That's my name. You said we didn't now each others names so, I'm telling you mine. It's Jaehwa. Now what's yours?" She asked.

Yoongi paused. He didn't know if he should tell her his name now...what if she freaked out? What if she treated him differently after this? She was his fan... but was she an ARMY? She said their music spoke to her, they made her happy... but did that mean she was an ARMY? He looked at her and she was giving him a really confused look, a look that belonged on a puppy.



"Your name, or am I gonna have to call you stranger for now on?"

"Oh right...uh, well..." He started. "You promise you wont-" He was cut off by his phone going off. "Sorry, I have to get this." He paused as he stood up from the table and walked away from it. It was was Namjoon.


"Hey, where are you? We have rehearsal in like ten minutes!"

"I'll be right there. I'm still at the cafe..."

"Oh, is weird morning girl there? Or is she still gone?"

"She's here..." Yoongi answered.

"That's great! Really great, tell us all about it when you get here!"

"Oh right! Yeah I'm on my way now." Yoongi hung up his phone and went back to their table. Their table. "Hey sorry, I gotta go!" He picked up his coffee and rushed out the door. He stopped and ran back into the cafe, she was still looking at the door with confusion. "Tomorrow morning, seven a.m. Meet me outside of the cafe! I'll tell you my name then. Okay?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and he smiled at her, but hopefully she could see it in his eyes.

Hey Stranger [ Min Yoongi ]Where stories live. Discover now