January 5th

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Here is the first One Shot of Hey Stranger! I wanted to have this finished and published as a big thank you for 8k views, but now here we are with almost 11k views! I cannot begin to tell everyone how much this means to me. I remember It hit 500, and 1000. It honestly really means so much to me that people are reading this and enjoying it. I've put a lot into this story and it warms my heart to see how far it's come!

So again, this is a big thank you for reaching almost 11k!! Please, feedback will be appreciated! And any suggestions for future one shots, and snippets. If there was anything you as a reader would like to see between them, or would have liked to see in the actual Hey Stranger series, just leave a comment below and I'll put it in a list of snippets to right!

Warning! There is mature content in this chapter! 18+ content.


January 5th, 4 months after Chapter 45.

"You need to rest." Jaehwa sighed as she filled Yoongi's bowl with dinner. Yoongi sighed as he came up behind her, resting his hands on her hips and his forehead against her shoulder

"I am resting." He replied and she could tell he was pouting just by the sound of his voice.

"Resting your head on my shoulder while I finish our dinner is not resting, Yoongi and you know this. You should be sitting down, laying down, something and just relaxing before you leave for Japan this weekend." She muttered with a sigh. Yoongi didn't reply with any sound or words, he just gave her hips a gentle squeeze and nuzzled his nose into her neck. "Why are you being cute."

"Because I'm Min Yoongi." He replied, lifting his head and he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "And I am cute."

"I thought you said hip hop isn't cute?" She teased, looking over at him with a raised eyebrow. Yoongi's brows frowned and his face scrunched up then he kissed her cheek again.

"I also said I'd allow it." He retorted. "Especially if it's for you." Jaehwa sighed at his words but it didn't stop her blood rushing to her cheeks. Yoongi smiled at her response and kissed her cheek again, his arms wrapping around her middle tightly.

"You are being awfully clingy." She said as she finished up his plate.

"I'm not going to see you much for a few weeks." He whispered in her ear. "I've been spoiled to have you by my side for the last month, babe. I've taken it for granted." He whined and Jaehwa laughed.

"Okay, well get off and go pick a movie, dinner is done." She elbowed him softly and he chuckled, letting her go.

"Okay okay." He sighed. Jaehwa turned her head and watched him head to her shelf full of DVDs that was by her T.V. in her little living room. She felt her lips curl up in a small smile before she turned away and finished making their plates. She grabbed two pairs of chopsticks and headed towards the little table and placed them on the table as Yoongi put a DVD in the DVD player.

"So, whatcha pick?" Jaehwa asked as she went back into the kitchen to grab them some drinks.

"Uh...your personal favorite." He replied and Jaehwa frowned her eyebrows, she had a lot of those. She looked to the TV screen and felt her lips widened in a grin.

"Road to Ninja?!" She exclaimed happily as she set his drink down by his plate.

"Yeah." He smiled as he sat down on the cushion at her little table. Jaehwa sat down next to him, leaning over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Whats that for?"

"For being cute." She replied and she leaned over and kissed his cheek again. Yoongi felt his lips turn up in a smirk, as he held her face in place and he turned, kissing her lips.

Hey Stranger [ Min Yoongi ]Where stories live. Discover now