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Friday 4:23 p

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Friday 4:23 p.m.

Poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, Yoongi looked at his phone for the millionth time that day. Not because of all the birthday wishes from twitter or fan cafe, no. It was because not one happy birthday from Jaehwa. He had seen her that morning for coffee like any other day... he expected her eccentric ass to do something extra that morning but nope. Nothing. Not a thing from her and it was really starting to bother him.

He went onto twitter, found hers, and looked at it - maybe seeing some kind of ARMY tweet she did...but nothing was there. There were birthday wishes for Hoseok from three weeks ago but nothing today. Actually that was the last thing she had posted. Now, Yoongi knew she didn't do social media a lot. She checked it, for news updates and such but he knew she never posted anything.

But he hadn't gotten a single thing from her today. Just her usual self. Her usual goofy ass self was all he got. He didn't know if she was just pretending to forget and surprise him later or if she genuinely forgot.

He only wanted a 'happy birthday' from Jaehwa. That was all he wanted...

It's because you're not her bias. His mind told him. She doesn't care about your like she cares about Namjoon and Hoseok...

Yoongi had to try and make the voice go away. To tell it that the words weren't true. Jaehwa cared about him... she cared about Yoongi. To her, he was her best friend... so she cared. But does she care enough to know your birthday? No.

"Hey, what's wrong? You should be happy on your birthday!" Yoongi looked up and saw Jimin with a smile on his face.

"Ah, it's nothing." Yoongi shook his head, before looking down at his phone.

"You inviting, Jaehwa?" Jimin asked, causing Yoongi's head to shoot up to look at him.


"Your celebration. Are you going to invite her over?" He asked. "Positive everyone would like to see her again, and she's your girlfriend so why shouldn't she be here..." Girlfriend Jimin said. The word made Yoongi scoff. She wasn't his girlfriend. He didn't want one of those right now, he didn't need one of those right now. Even though the thought of Jaehwa being called his girlfriend made his heart skip a beat and he liked the sound of it, no.

"Not my girlfriend, Jimin."

"You want her to be, though." He grinned as he sat down next to Yoongi. "So is she coming?" He asked.

"I didn't ask..."

"Well ask her! More the merrier!" Yoongi sighed as he pulled out his phone. Still no message from her.

'Hey,... we're having a thing tonight. The guys invited you to come over for it.'

"Aish, Yoongi...don't say that! That's so cold." Jimin sighed as he took Yoongi's phone from him.

'We're having a celebration tonight at the dorm, and I wanted you to come.' Jimin hit send and handed Yoongi his phone back. The mans eyes went wide as he saw the text message before hitting Jimin.

"Yah! What the fuck Jimin! Why'd you say it like that!"

"Like what? Like you'd want her to be here!" Yoongi was about to retort when his phone went off. He quickly unlocked it and read her message.

Jaehwa: Awwwee that's so sweet of you, Yoongi! :) I'd love to come.

Yoongi's lips curled into a smile at her message. He stood up, about to get ready to go get her but his phone buzzed again.

Jaehwa: But I can't tonight... :( I'm hanging with a few of my friends tonight.

Yoongi's smile fell from his face and he sat back down on his bed. His heart fell and it felt like he got punched in the stomach as he reread the message.

"What?" Jimin asked, a little worried when he saw his hyungs face.

"She can't make it. She has plans..." Yoongi mumbled as he threw his phone on his bed and walked out of his room. Jimin sat there, looking at the doorway to Yoongi's room with a frown on his face.

Saturday 2:24 a.m.

Yoongi laid down on his bed. His head fuzzy from the alcohol, that he obviously consumed on his birthday. He grabbed his phone to put it on the charger when he saw an enormous amount of notifications. None of which were Jaehwa. So he went onto twitter and read all the birthday wishes, they were putting a small smile on his face.

He didn't know what compelled to do so, but Yoongi decided to check Jaehwa's twitter and she had posted a few times that night. Surprisingly. A few were updates of what was happening, the last tweet was of her saying how much fun she had with her friends. Despite being a little salty about how she didn't wish him a happy birthday, he was happy that she enjoyed her time with her friends. He couldn't take all her time for himself. However what little smile he had on his face vanished in an instant when he noticed a picture she had posted. He clicked on it and his jaw clenched.

It was a picture of her and some guy. He had his arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulder and they were smiling. They were smiling. He'd never seen her smile like that to him. Why was this guy touching her, why was his arms around her? Who was this guy?!

Why did he care? He asked himself. Because you like her, you idiot. He answered himself. But Jaehwa wasn't his girlfriend, so he had no right or claim to feel this way over her with another guy....right?

He was jealous. It was so obvious he was jealous. He hated the thought of another guy touching her, having his arms around her. Being that close to her. However, Yoongi had no claim to feel this way. Jaehwa wasn't his girlfriend. He wanted her to be, God, he wanted her to be. He wanted to show her off, hold her hand in public, be able to kiss her when he wanted (which to be honest surprised him because he was not a touchy feely kind of person), but in all honesty...

As much as Yoongi wanted her as his girlfriend... he couldn't do that to her.

He couldn't drag her into this life. The constant pictures, the invasion of her privacy. The amount of hate and crap some fans would give her. The judgement she would receive... Especially when the world would find out she's half Korean and half White...

Yoongi couldn't put her into that world. No matter how much he liked her, no matter how happy she was making him feel... he couldn't do that to her.

But he still wanted to punch the guy in the fucking face for touching her. That feeling isn't going anywhere. 

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