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Friday 6:01 a

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Friday 6:01 a.m.

Jaehwa yawned as she walked down the street. She was confused. Yoongi texted her last night, telling her to meet him outside the coffee shop before sunrise. What ever that meant. It got her concerned. Yoongi didn't like being woken up before the sun was up, so why would he want to be up this early in the morning.

Jaehwa also wasn't feeling being up this early either. Between lack of sleep, worrying about her brother, and work, she hadn't been herself as of late and it was really starting to take a toll on her. She needed a break. She needed an escape. She needed a damn vacation but she couldn't afford one, and she'll be damned if she'll ask her family for the money for one.

She wasn't on bad terms with her parents, in fact she was very close to them, but she wanted to make it on her own without having to keep going back to her parents.

The girl stopped walking when she saw him standing there, leaning on the building with two cups of coffee in his hands. He looked up and over at her with a small smile on his face.

"Good morning." He greeted her, and she smiled.

"Good morning." She replied and he held out a drink for her.

"It might not be as hot as it was five minutes ago but-"

"It's warm enough, thank you." She smiled as she took a sip. It was hot chocolate. "So, what did you want me this early for? You hate being up this early."

"Come on." He tilted his head to the side and began walking down the sidewalk; Jaehwa just followed him.

"Yoongi, please where are we going? These shoes weren't made to be walked in for long periods of time!" Jaehwa complained as she moved a little faster to catch up. It wasn't because she was short or anything, actually she was quite tall for a girl in Korea... and she had long legs too, but her feet were starting to hurt.

"Why aren't you wearing your converse...?" He asked, looking down at her feet. She was wearing black mary janes. "What are you even wearing?" He asked, looking at her outfit. She looked down with a pout. Cream sweater, brown skirt and beige tights and mary janes. What was wrong with her outfit?

"Whats wrong with what I'm wearing?" She asked.

"You're not wearing pink...or your converse? You're not wearing Jaehwa things..."

"I do have other things besides pink and converse you know, Yoongi." She replied, laughing.

"I know but...you look....cute." He told her, his cheeks flushing pink for a second as he looked away. The girl smiled as she grabbed onto his arm.

"As opposed to every other day?" She joked, holding in her laughter when she saw his face scrunch up in disgust at her public display of affection to him.

"What, no! Not what I meant. It's just you don't dress this cute normally - not that you aren't always- you're fucking with me." Yoongi sighed and Jaehwa couldn't help but laugh at him. She found it so easy to make him embarrassed, especially if it had to do anything with girls or the like.

"You make it so easy, Yoongi." She replied and he tried to shake her off his arm but her grip tightened.

"You're annoying."

"You like me anyway." She smiled at him and he sighed defeatedly. The two of them continued to walk until Yoongi stopped at a hill and she looked at him strangely.

"We're here." He told her as he sat down on the ground. Jaehwa looked around her and then down at him.

"What are we doing there?" She asked and he tugged on the hem of her skirt.

"Sit down."

"Yoongi. What are we doing here? It's cold and I really want some coffee."

"We'll get coffee in a little bit, now sit down Jaehwa." He grumbled at her and Jaehwa sighed in defeat and sat down next to him. The sky was no longer a deep blue but a weird faded blue, with a little hint of purple and orange. The two didn't say anything as they slipped their cold drinks and watched the sky. Soon the orange grew brighter and pink hues were mixed in with the purple and she could see the rising sun. She gasped, watching the clouds change color as the sun began to rise slowly.

"You brought me to see the sun rise?" She asked in a whisper, her eyes never leaving the sky.

"Yeah... you seemed you could use something to brighten your day." He replied with a shrug and Jaehwa snorted and started laughing. She knew what he meant metaphorically but the pun was so perfect.

"You've been around Jin too much." She laughed.

"Wha- Oh God damn it." He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair and Jaehwa continued to laugh for a few more seconds before she scooted closer to him.

"Thank you Yoongi." She said in a whisper. He looked over at her and gave her a small smile. "I really needed this...thank you." She rested her head on his shoulder and continued to watch the sunset. She felt Yoongi drape an around her shoulder and she inhaled and exhaled deeply, taking in everything around her. She was savoring this moment. Because for the first time in a long time... she felt like she could breathe. She felt content.

She was happy again.

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