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Sunday, 7:45 a

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Sunday, 7:45 a.m.

Yoongi sighed as he watched her doodle on a piece of paper. He took a sip of his coffee, that was almost finished. He had been sitting with her for thirty minutes. It was his day off. He had no rehearsal, recording, RUN shooting, nothing and it felt so good to breathe and relax in the morning. Though, every morning for about thirty minutes was him relaxing. It had become a hobby, going to this cafe and seeing Jaehwa. Knowing her name was a relief too. He didn't know how much longer he could have kept calling her 'Weird morning girl'. He knew for a fact the guys were getting bored of it as well.

"Hey..." Jaehwa spoke up, Yoongi looked over at her. He wasn't wearing his mask, surprisingly. This cafe was small and quiet as he's noticed the past three weeks of coming here. Sure a few of the baristas were really shocked to see that it was him and freaked out a little but they didn't bother him - which he was thankful for.


"What are you doing tonight?" She asked him nervously, picking at her notebook. She was nervous...why was she nervous? It was making him nervous. "Like...are you working on something today?" She asked quietly.

"Uh no..." He replied. "It's a day off for us..." She looked up at him with a big smile and light in her eyes. It was contagious and Yoongi felt himself smiling too.

"So, no plans at all after morning coffee?" She asked subtly and Yoongi raised his eyebrow at her.

"Not really. I was just going to head back to the dorms, maybe write some music for a bit. Take a nap."

"If you had the day off today why did you even get up this early?!" She exclaimed.

"Morning coffee." He answered simply, taking a sip of his drink and she sighed. He wasn't going to admit it was because of her. She was the only reason he was up at this god awful hour.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over later and watch a movie, and get some take out or something..." She suggested in a small voice and Yoongi thought it was cute. He didn't express his thoughts, he kept his signature blank gaze on her. "I mean you don't have too... I just thought that since we're friends we should hang out, outside of morning coffee, you know? And I figured you wouldn't want to go out and do anything because well..." She blurted. "So I thought I'd invite you to my-"

"Sure." He replied to shut her up. He had to fight back a smile when he saw her face break out in a big grin. It was so easy to make her pleased. "But nothing girly." He added and she pouted.

"I am offended that you would think I watch girly movies!"

"You're a girl-" He was stopped by her notebook hitting him in the face.

"Stupid head." She mumbled and he snorted. "I was actually going to suggest a Naruto movie! I know you like it..." She huffed, looking down at the table with her lips in a pout; and he stared at her.

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