Deleted Scene [Ch. 22&23]

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This is set between Chapters 22 and 23~!

I actually meant to have this posted literally almost two months ago... but LOL look at where we're at. 

I wanted to post something different, I wanted to post something that happened while they were still friends, during the actually story setting. I had a lot of little things planned for the story but a lot of scenes didn't make the cut when I was actually writing it all out. This was one of them, I felt like this didn't have a place in Hey Stranger as a stand alone chapter, as it kind of just ends so I figured I'd save it for a one shot, giving a look on their friendship and how things began changing in the dynamic of their relationship. 

This is set between Chapters 22 and 23, and if you don't remember what they were at the top of your head, it's right after the chapter Jaehwa realizes her feelings for Yoongi, and right before Yoongis' birthday. 

I hope you all enjoy!


Deleted Scene: Between Chapter 22 and 23.

6:00 am.

Jaehwa sighed as she curled up in the corner of her couch, looking at the boxes that were sitting in her living room. She looked at her phone, Yoongi's contact information open. Jaehwa bit her lip, debating on if she should call him now, or later. She knew he'd be mad at her for waking him up this early but she wanted to get it done as soon as possible. She took a deep breath and hit the call button and bringing the phone up to her ear.

"Jaehwa?" Yoongi's deep, groggy voice met her ears. She felt her cheeks flush. "What time is it- it's six in the fucking morning! What the fuck Jaehwa." Yoongi groaned tiredly. Jaehwa giggled at his sleepy cursing. "What do you want? Can't it wait until another hour when we have coffee?"

"Uh....well..." Jaehwa started in a small voice. "I...I need help putting some shelves together."

"Well I can tell you right now your neighbors will not be happy if they hear fucking banging going on at six thirty in the fucking morning!" Jaehwa bit her lip.

"Please Yoongi!"

"Do it yourself, you have shelves already."

"Yeah but my daddy put those up..." Jae replied in a small voice. "And I don't have the tools to do it! And the stupid things they give you suck, I need real tools Yoongi!"

"Get another friend to do it." He grumbled and she could tell he's rolling over.

"But I want you to do it..." Jaehwa pouted. She could hear Yoongi groan over the phone. "I'll make you coffee-" He grunted. "And I'll make you breakfast-" He scoffed, unconvinced. "A real breakfast!" It was quiet for a second before he grunted again, and she could hear he was rolling over again. "I also promise to give you naps."

"How the fuck can you give me naps?" He asked tiredly. Jaehwa smirked, knowing he was interested.

"You can have my bed to nap in for however long you want today! Please Yoongi!"

"Make me lunch too, and you have a handyman." Yoongi proposed and Jaehwa squealed and Yoongi sighed. She could hear him sit up and groan, presuming that he was stretching. "And your shower." Jaehwa 'mhm'ed over the phone and Yoongi sighed. "Fine, I'll be there in thirty."

"Thank you Yoongi." Jaehwa thanked him softly, and Yoongi simply grunted before she hung up. She stood up and unlocked her door before heading to the kitchen to get breakfast started for him.

6:25 am.

There was a knock on the door, and Jaehwa poured the whipped egg into the pan. "It's unlocked!" she called out as she sprinkled some salt and pepper and some chopped vegetables into the omelet.

Hey Stranger [ Min Yoongi ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora