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Monday 7:05 a

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Monday 7:05 a.m.

"Off to see Jaehwa again?" Yoongi looked over and saw Jin making himself breakfast.

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"Because, it's obvious. You're only up this early on your own free will to see her." He replied. "It's been how long now? A month?"

"Like six weeks...almost seven..." He replied quietly, suddenly feeling shy about it.

"Wow...seven weeks is a long time. You going to be doing anything special?" Jin asked, genuinely curious and Yoongi didn't understand why.

"Doing anything special? For what?"

"For Jaehwa."

"Why would I do anything special for Jaehwa?" Yoongi asked, genuinely confused on what Jin was talking. What was he talking about? Where was he getting at? Yoongi didn't know.

"You two have been dating for almost seven weeks right? It's time to do something special." Yoongi choked on Jin's words. Dating!? Jin thought they were dating?! Did everyone else think that too?


"Yeah, Taehyung said she was cute too. You must feel pretty lucky."

"Jaehwa and I..."

"Look I understand that you'd want to keep it a secret and keep it special between the two of you for now. But sooner or later, Yoongi, we will have to meet her you know. Can't keep her a secret forever. Especially if you two are going to be serious...and with the way it's going, I see it becoming serious." He continued as he flipped his omelet. Yoongi's mouth was hanging open, an eyebrow was frowned and the other raised. He was just confused on what the hell Jin was talking about and why he thought him and Jaehwa were dating. "You've changed you know. You seem really happy, you have ever since you met her. I like this change, you're not grumpy Yoongi anymore. You're happy, Yoongi. And I'm happy for you." Jin smiled at him. "What...?" He asked, noticing Yoongi's expression.

"You think Jaehwa and I are dating?" He asked slowly.

"Well...yeah... aren't you?"

"No, Seokjin. We are not." Yoongi answered firmly. Stressing the "not".

"Oh..." He mumbles, his cheeks turning pink as he goes back to cooking his breakfast. Yoongi glared at the back of his head and shivered at the thought. 'I mean, it isn't a terrible thought, dating her but I just don't see her as a girlfriend or anything more than a friend. Jin is being stupid.'.

"Anyway, I'm leaving." He shook his head and walked out of the dorms. He walked to the cafe and stopped, looking at Jaehwa through the mirror and he smiled at her. She was doodling in a notebook again.

"Morning." He greeted her after he walked in.

"Oh, morning." She greeted back and it caused him to be confused.

"You okay?" He asked, resting a hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

"Yeah, just... stressed is all." She sighed as she blew her hair out of her face.

"About what?" He asked curiously and she just shrugged.

"Work and rent. Being away for two weeks shortly after being away for a week has really been kicking my ass." She cursed and Yoongi raised a brow. She never swore. He looked down and saw that she wasn't doodling, it looked like she was grading papers. He sometimes forgot that she was a teacher for English learners. He noticed there was no coffee cup on the table. She hasn't had her coffee...

"No wonder your grumpy." He mumbled quietly under his breath.

"Hm?" Jaehwa asked, looking up at him again.

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Finish up with that." He told her as he went to stand in line. He ordered his drink and ordered one for Jaehwa too, she needed it. He took the drinks from the barista when they were finished and he sat down at the table and put her cup in front of her.

"Huh?" She asked, looking up from the papers to the coffee, then at Yoongi. "You...you got me coffee?" She asked in awe.

"Yeah. You seem to need it this morning especially." He answered honestly as he took a sip. Jaehwa smiled as she took a sip and moaned in delight.

"You're right. I needed it. Thank you, friend." She sighed happily. She put the cup down and went back to grading papers. Yoongi took this time to look at her, today she seemed different. Her hair was up in a bun, but it was like it was just thrown; it was terribly messy with strands falling out all over the place. She was wearing a light pink sweater, but it had cats all over it. It was cute, and suited her personality oddly enough. She was wearing pink converse again.

"Can I ask a question?"

"You just did." She replied, not looking up from her work.

"You said once your favorite color is purple..."

"Yeah? Your point?"

"If your favorite color is purple, why are you always wearing pink?" He asks and she stops writing for a second and stares off into space.

"My brother gave me these converse... so I wear them all the time." She answered. "And one time a few years ago, I wore a pink wig because I was cosplaying Sakura from Naruto...and well he saw me wear it and thought my favorite color was pink. Ever since he's been buying me anything pink. Pink socks, shirts, pants...anything. So even if it isn't my favorite color, I still wear it because he bought it for me. I cherish everything he's given me." She answered him, looking over at him and Yoongi nodded his head.


"Why'd you ask?"

"Just curious is all." He answered with a shrug, he was being honest. He was genuinely curious as to why she always wore pink. "I think you look nice in pink. It looks nice with your eyes." He told her quietly, feeling a little shy about being so straightforward, and took a sip of his coffee. Jaehwa looked at him and smiled, and he returned it.

Nothing else was said after that, there wasn't any need for words to be spoken. They sat there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the fact that the other was there.

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