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Disclaimer I don't own anything Fairy Tail just my OC :)

Chapter 1:

In a land far far away lies the nation of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic! Found in every home, and bought and sold in every market place. For most part magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore, but there is a certain guild in a certain part of town that soars high above the rest... one from which countless legends have been born... a guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name... is Fairy Tail!!


It was a joyous day in Fairy Tail, Lucy was sitting by the bar talking to Levy while laughing at Natsu and Gray who are trying to rip each others heads apart, Cana was reading Laki's fortune with her tenro cards, and Elfman challenged Alzac to find out which one is 'Manlier' but all hell broke loose when Loke bursts into the guild halls front doors.

"Guy's I've got bad news!" He screamed as everyone turned to look at him curiously.

"It's Erza! She's on her way back to the guild!"

Silence dropped making the air grow stiff.




The guild went into complete panic.

"Is she really that bad?" Lucy asked Levy

"Well she is the strongest female wizard Fairy Tail's got, so I guess she's a bit intimidating" Mira responded

"Those sound like her footsteps-" Romeo added

Anticipation started whirling around the guild. Just the thought of having the legendary Titania back, terrified everyone. The shadow got smaller and smaller until they saw a woman like figure.

"I have returned. Where can I find the Master?"

"Welcome back Erza!" Mira said with a joyous smile 

"The master is actually at a conference."

Turning around to hear the eldest Strauss's voice, the red headed wizard began to ponder.

"I see..." 

"So what's with the horn Erza?" Max asked nervously

"It's the horn of a monster I defeated. The locals were grateful, so they decorated it and gave it to me as a gift."

"Now enough of that, are Natsu and Gray here?"

Everyone's attention shifted to Natsu and Gray who were being 'The best buddies ever'.

"Hey Erza!! Just hangin' out like good friends do!!" Gray sprang up happily

"Aye!" Natsu agreed swinging his arm around Gray's shoulder, nervous out of his mind

"Why is Natsu talking like Happy!?!" 

"He's scared. He challenged Erza to a fight a few years ago and she beat him pretty bad" Mira explained

"Well, that was a stupid thing to do-" Lucy proclaimed

"Natsu, Gray, I have an important task for you. I heard something on the road that has gotten me worried. Normally I would talk to the Master, but this is a matter of uttermost urgency-" Erza continued on before pausing

"The two of you are the strongest wizards here at the moment and I could really use your help. On the way, Vyra will meet up with us because she is currently on a mission."

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now