Vyra Fernandes

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Now, this time when you fall, you die" Jellal let go as the lifeless Moonlight Mage fell to the depths


"VYRRRA!!" Natsu and Erza screamed

"Gray-" Vyra began

"You always told me you would catch me when I fall..." She reminisced her moments with Gray

"So what happens now when I need you the most?" She thought as she was heading to her inevitable death


Why am I so cold?

What's this?

Vyra was in a daze, she kept coming in an out of consciousness . She gazed at her fingertips on the cold surface

Wait-- surface?

Everything was fuzzy, but she could recognize his cerulean eyes anywhere

"Gray-" she gasped

5 Minutes prior

"Man, I really hope that they're okay" Lucy gasped worriedly about her other guild members stuck in the tower

After the etherion supposedly blew up the tower, the remaining Fairy Tail bunch along with Juvia, Wally, Sho, and Millianna were sitting ducks

The waves we're becoming more harsh

"G-guys..." Happy stuttered as he sat up

"What is that?" Juvia pointed to the top of the tower

All of their eyes widened

"Th-That's-" Happy pointed shakley

"V-Vyra" Lucy finished

The only thing holding the girl up is the hand that was strangling her. She looked lifeless, defeated, beaten

Lucy put a hand up covering her mouth in tears

"Oh, my-" Juvia gasped

"V-Vy-Vyraaa" Happy stuttered with tears dripping down his furry face

"GET ME OUTTA HERE" Gray spazzed out trying to push through the bubble not being able to get through

"Cool your jets boy!" Wally shouted

"Meow" Millianna agreed

Gray turned around facing everyone "You guys gotta get me out of here!!" He shouted

"Gray my darling, it's still too d-dangerous-" Juvia stuttered not knowing what to do

Gray scowled trudging up to Juvia and he pointed to the bluenette up in the sky

"Any minute now he is going to drop her, and Vyra doesn't know how to swim so she's going to sink to the bottom of the ocean floor and drown. Do you think she would even be able to swim with the condition she's in, anyways?!" He growled as he got in her face

"CAN YOU LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT WE JUST SAT HERE AND WATCHED?!?" He screamed as tears we're welling up in Juvia's eyes

"Gray calm down!" Lucy got between the Water and Ice mages

"NO!" Happy screamed as he watched the Moonlight Mage drop

They all watch in horror

"I can't-" Lucy dropped to her knees and covered her eyes

Gray's heart nearly stopped watching the bluenette fall

"ARGHH!!" Gray screamed pulling the hair on his head

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now