Natsu vs Erza

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Lucy's House

The incident with Eisenwald targeting the guild masters during their regular meeting became big news immediately and everyone in the country learned of it.I would have never believed I'd be at the center of such a huge event.Even so, I'm living my day to day life just like I always do.

Sometimes I think back on what happened and get all excited, though.I got wind that most of Eisenwald members were arrested, including that guy named Kage.Well, I guess that's expected.The one thing that scares me is they don't seem to have caught Erigor.What'll I do if he comes to take revenge on Fairy Tail?

But I'll be okay! Natsu, Erza, Vyra and Gray are Fairy Tail's strongest team! Plus: Happy and I are there, too! This guild's the best, so don't worry, Mom.I'm doing just fine.

P.S.Keep this a secret from Dad, 'kay? Maybe I'll do some shopping today. Lucy leaned back from writing stretching her arms

*knock knock knock*

"Hm?" Lucy looked over to her front door and got up preparing to answer it

"Oh, Vyra hi!" Lucy answered with a smile revealing the moonlight mage

"Hey Lucy! Sorry for short notice, but I heard you found a place and I wanted to see how you were settling in-" 

"Oh! before I forget" The girl rummaged through her backpack

"This is for you~" She pulled out a Gardenia plant in a small Crystal vase which she made herself from her magic

"It's a housewarming gift" She smiled

"Oh! Thanks so much. It's so pretty" Lucy's eyes turned into stars eyeballing the gift

"Here come in, come in, I'll give you the tour!" The blonde returned the smile opening her door wide enough for Vyra to enter

"Rent for this place is only 70,000 jewel a month? That's dirt cheap-"

Doing a double take, the girls didn't expect to see the ice mage sitting on Lucy's couch.

"Trespasser!!" The blonde screamed hitting Gray upside the head

"Gray, what are you doing here?" Vyra eyed the shirtless boy

"And don't strip in other peoples homes!!" Lucy grabbed a pillow beginning to wack him with it

"Woah, woah, woah-" He stood up running away from Lucy 

"I was already naked before I got here-"

The two girls sighed.

"There really is no hope for you Gray..." Vyra took a seat on Lucy's couch

"Get out-" Lucy furrowed pointing at the door

"Did you guys really forget what today is?" Gray questioned

"Isn't that later on today?" Vyra turned around facing Gray

"What are you guys talking about?" Lucy questioned

"Natsu versus Erza!" Vyra shouted standing up

"Yeah, everyone's making a whole day event out of it-" Gray said

"Awe man, we gotta go!! I don't want to miss this!" Vyra shouted grabbing Lucy's and Gray's hand comically pulling them along to the guild.


Outside the FairyTail Guild Hall

"No way, there really going through with this?!" Lucy shouted pushing someone out of the way

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now