Dearly Beloved

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A/N: 11,000 reads on Wattpad!?! Guys that's insane, thank you so much!! To be honest, who knew my OC would be this popular. I've read so much fan-fiction over the years and I haven't seen any other fanfics with Jellal having a sister, which i'm actually surprised about. (Jellal is super cool and I loved him ever since the beginning so... xD)


The Harvest Festival ended a week ago and it feels like Magnolia is finally starting to be back to normal again. No one really expected Laxus to get kicked out of the guild though... when word got out, everyone reacted to the news in their own way. Of course, Natsu threw a giant temper tantrum.

Everyone was shocked to hear Laxus was a Dragon Slayer, the Master said while Laxus was growing up he was a frail and sick little boy so his father Ivan had a lacrima implanted inside his body that gave him the ability to use Dragon Slayer magic. What kind of parent would do that?!

"I'm sorry" Master Makarov exhaled

"Wow I didn't even know that existed-- Dragon Slayer lacrima??" Happy gasped

Natsu grimaced

To atone for the troubles his grandson cost us, Master said he would relinquish his title as head of the guild. We tried really hard to talk him out of it. Freed cut his hair to show his repentance, he's so old fashion. With that gesture and those few words he talked the master into staying-- and he wasn't the only one in the Thunder Legion who started to open up as after everything that went down.

One thing that hasn't changed is that I still have to deal with a bunch of weirdos. I couldn't help but notice ever since the Harvest festival ended Erza's been spending a lot of time by herself-- and Vyra has been distancing herself as well. The girl has been taking solo jobs left and right, I guess she's still upset at the Master for kicking Laxus out. Mira mentioned to me that the two were close...

-And all of that just happened in the past week! It seems like a lot but that's nothing compared to the problem i'm dealing with now...





Many members of the guild were huddled around the job request board that had the results of the Miss Fairy Tail Contest

"THERE GOES MY RENT MONEY" Lucy freaked out

"You could take a job" Natsu commented

"But winning the pageant would've been so much easier" The blonde sniffled as she cried

Just then, the front doors of the guild spread wide open as Vyra entered the building

"Welcome back Vyra!" Mira shouted from the bar

"Thanks, Mira" The bluenette replied nonchalantly with a smile making her way through the guild hall

She had her hair up in a high ponytail, wearing her usual outfit with her bag hanging off one of her shoulders

"Hey Lucy-" She plopped down on the bench across from the sulking blonde

"H-hi V-Vyraa" Lucy sobbed barely lifting her head from the table

"Where the heck have you been all day Vy??? I need a fight and your the best competition I got right now" Natsu flamed up his arm

"Well i'm honored Natsu-" The girl paused before taking off her backpack and placing it next to her

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