The Grand Banquet

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"Get a load of this, some folks were saying that the evacuation the other day was because of dragons attacking the city-" A man sitting at one of the bars spoke

"That's ridiculous, everyone knows those things ain't real" Another one shot back

"I don't know, a lot of people are saying they saw em'-"

"It's just those wizards getting out of hand-" The waitress smiled collecting their empty mugs

"It can't be their fault, because the king is throwing them a huge party in the royal palace tonight!!"

"Oh man!! I wish I could be there!!"


The Royal Palace

"Oh wow!" Wendy gasped walking into the esteemed palace with a bunch of the Fairy Tail girls

They were all dressed beautifully. Vyra wore a stunning lilac strapless princess cut dress with accents of gold. The blunette had her hair down loosely curled, with a golden tiara to match.

She was definitely a Moonlight Goddess in this dress.

Purple was her signature colour after all, and she looked flawless in it.

All the other girls walked in together, blown away by the simply amazingness of the castle.

It was such a glamorous sight... and Fairy Tail wizards were not used to this at all.

"Hey you're all here-" Elfman turned next to Cana who was holding up a wine bottle and Gray... who was wearing necks to nothing...

Yup. They were the Fairy Tail guild alright. With the strippers and the drinkers...

"Gray, sweetheart-" Vyra walked up chipperly, grabbing the boy by the ear pulling him to the corner

"Ow Vy h-hey!!" He struggled in her grasp 

"These are times... that you REALLY need to wear clothes-" She smiled seething through her rage

Getting Erza mad is one thing, but getting Vyra upset is terrifying. 

"So do me a favour, and go put some on WOULD YA?" She smacked him as he comically whirlwinded away

"Yes Ma'am!! I-I mean y-yes Vy!!" The ice mage bowed saluting before he ran off making her sweat drop followed by a sigh

"A handful sometimes isn't he?"

Vyra turned around hearing the smooth alluring voice. 

Offering her out a hand to dance, the bluenette blinked a couple times in surprise before smiling, taking it.

At least Lyon had a form of some public decency. He knew to wear clothes when appropriate. 

Good for him. 

Right hand intertwined with hers and the other wrapped around her waist, they waltzed through the ball room.

"H-Hey-" Vyra narrowed her eyes before looking back up to the ice mage

"Those seven years... Lamia Scale... and Blue Pegasus..." 

"You guys never stopped looking for us-" She matched his gaze

"I-I just wanted to thank you-" She smiled as Lyon's eyes slightly widened in surprise

He definitely wasn't expecting her to be thanking him for any reason.

"There's was not a doubt in my mind that you guys weren't out there" He responded squeezing her right hand lightly signalling that he indeed did appreciate the thanks

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now