Welcome to my Nightmare

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"Your a celestial spirit?!?" Natsu shouted

"No way really?!?" Happy chimed in

Loki scratched the back of his head smiling "Yeah, sorry I haven't told you guys sooner-"

"Gotta say I'm surprised I never caught on to you" Gray walked over

"Loki here is actually A lion spirit-" Lucy said

"What!!" Happy and Natsu screamed

"A lion is like a over groan cat right!?!" The blue furred cat drooled

"and you didn't even both to tell me??" Vyra whined

"I'm sorry my love-" He put his arm around bluenette

"You know I would do anything for you, but how about I make it up to you-" His eyes sparkled

"One date~" He smiled

She pushed Loki off of her "Hey!! You could've had a date along time ago, if you came right out and told me in the first place" The girl teased

Loki turned to stone.

"GAAHAHAHAHA" Natsu and Happy burst into fits of laughter

Loki and Vyra always had a close flirtatious relationship.

"Anyways... Lucy, here I got you something-" Loki pulled something out of his jacket

"Here you go-"

"What are those?" Lucy questioned

"There tickets to this awesome beach resort, you did so much for me it's the least I could do-" 

"The beach!?"

"I never been to a place like that before!!"


The teams eyes were popping out of their heads.

"I already gave Erza her ticket, I hope you guys have a good time!!" 

"Come on!! Chop chop, No lollygagging. Now hurry or I'll leave you behind" Erza said already dressed up in vacation attire

"Alright!! Let's go!!!" They all cheered

Akane Resort


"Come on!!"

"Gimme back my bathing suit!!!" Gray screamed at the dragon slayer

"No way man!!!" He swung it around in his hands

"I don't think Happy likes being used as a cover-up" Lucy giggled

The group was currently playing volleyball on the beach.

Natsu, Vyra and Happy Vs. Lucy, Gray and Erza

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now