A New Beginning

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After all the craziness on Tenrou island had passed, we learned that seven years have passed along with it! I guess time flies when your saving the world, it's like something out of a book! I never imagined I'd experience anything like it first hand, but I think that's part of the job. We made some incredible memories since I joined Fairy Tail, and I don't think I'll ever forget that night. We jam packed seven years worth of drinking, dancing, and singing into one party. Wow, it's good to be home again.


"Y-you're married?!? W-When did this happen?" Erza spazzed as she talked to Bisca and Alzack

"I wish you guys could have been there, poor thing nearly passed out when I proposed, it was adorable-" Bisca boasted

"Did you have to bring that up?" Alzack scratched the back of his head

The red head blushed

"Noooo! How could you get married without me there!?!" She shook Max back and forth using him as a punching bag

"Please, someone stop her-" Max begged

"I have to say I'm quite bummed too, I wish we all could have been there-" Mira agreed smiling

"That's wonderful!" Lisanna clasped her hands together

"Do you have children??" She asked

"We have a daughter-" Bisca replied

"We named her Asuka" Alzack said

"R-Reedus? I-Is this was I t-think it is?" The sky dragon slayer stuttered holding a sheet of paper in her hands

"Oui! I tried to imagine what you would look like seven year older and the drawing was the end result" Reedus replied

"M-My C-Chest..." She whispered as she trembled

"Is there a problem?" Reedus spoke with concern

"Did you draw me Reedus?" Vyra chimed into the conversation

"Oui Oui Vyra, I drew everyone in the guild" He then pulled out a bunch of drawings handing one of the Moonlight Mage to Wendy as Vyra peeked over her shoulder

"Wow Reedus--" The bluenette paused as she blinked staring at the drawing

"I look gorgeoussssss!" She shouted as she sparkled around the table consisting of Gajeel, Lily, Happy and Carla

"As you always are, Lady Vyra" Lily nodded

"I told you to drop the lady part Lily-" Vyra replied snapping at the cat

"Wow this is surprising-" Carla gasped as she saw a photo the three exceeds

Those were some buffed up kitty cats

"Why am I wearing a loincloth?" Lily sweat dropped

"You know, we we're gone for a very long time, I wonder if the other Exceeds were worried about us-" Happy began

"I'm doubtful of that-" Lily began

"Exceeds have a different sense of time than humans. I find I highly unlikely that our absence was unnoticed."

"T-This isn't fair" Wendy cried

"Why does reality keep crushing my dreams like this??"

"Is there something wrong with the picture?" Reedus scratched the back of his head

The front doors of the guild then flew open

"Welcome!" Kinana shouted

"How wonderful-"

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