Bye-Bye Moon

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A/N: One more chapter then on to Phantom! I have a question, What's your guy's favorite Arc in Fairy Tail? I love the GMG Arc, as well as the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc I feel like those are my top two.

Also, what would you guys like to see? I'm open to suggestions.


"Natsu we're going to destroy the moon" Erza flat out stated

"Really?!?" Natsu practically had sparkles in his eyes

"That way we can change the villagers back to their original forms" Erza finished as the villagers cheered and hurrayed

"Where do you want to go? We can go to the temple, it's higher up there" Natsu proclaimed

"I'm sorry but NOO WAY are you guys are destroying the moon under my watch" Vyra broke her silence as she trudged over to Natsu and Erza

The villagers became quiet with looks of uneasiness on their faces.

"I know it's for the sake of the villagers," Vyra tried to reason with them

"-but there's no way in hell that I can just stand here and let you two destroy something that is mine." She finished sternly

"I get it-" Lucy said

"I mean I'd do anything to protect my celestial spirits so it makes sense that Vyra is protective of the moon... or the sun for that matter, right?" She finished

"I thought this might happen" Erza nodded nonchalantly while summoning a piece of armor hurling it at the bluenette

It then caught her, clinging her to one of the high towers in the village.

"Erza what are you doing!?!?" Gray screamed

"We can't get any distractions right now" Erza closed her eyes

"G-get me out of this t-thing" Vyra shouted trying to wiggle her way out

"The more you struggle, the tighter it gets" Erza sung

The bluenette looked up to eye the red head.

"ERZA!!" Vyra screamed at the top of her lungs blowing a gasket

Lucy looked terrified watching the Moonlight Mage.

"Remind me never to get on her bad side" Lucy whispered to Happy

"Aye..." Happy sweat dropped

"This is my giant armor, it increases my strength and allows me to throw farther" Erza ignored the bluenette showing off to the villagers

"and this-" She required her weapon

"-is the sphere of haja, it repels darkness"

"Oh, I see what your doing now!!" Natsu shouted

"Your going to use the sphere to knock the moon out of the sky!"

"Give me a break that's never going to work" Lucy and Gray said coherently

"That's right, but I need more strength" Erza said looking over to the dragon slayer

"Natsu that's why I need your help, your fire power can give me a boost" She finished

"I don't care what you say I'm getting out of here" Vyra said shuffling around

"Hhmphh" She began squirming

"ARRRGH!!" The girl screamed from the pain that was engulfing her body

By this time, the flaming sphere was already launched and the moon was already beginning to crack.

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