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A/N: Thanks for being patient with me guys. I decided to do the Daphne Arc. It will probably be one or two chapters, but it is important for the story.


"Heyoo!" Vyra shouted as she came through the double doors of the guild

"Oh Vyra! Welcome..." Mira narrowed her eyes downward

"They're late--" Erza frowned

"What's going on?" The bluenette asked feeling the tension building in the guild

"Well, Natsu and Wendy got wind of a dragon sighting and they haven't returned--" Mira replied

"It doesn't take this long to follow a simple lead" Erza said

"Maybe he's playing catch up with Igneel right now" Macao commented

"Maybe he got fed up with the rumors and called it a night" Wakaba jumped in

"I don't know-- Natsu had Wendy with him, he would've brought her right back first" Mira said

"-And yet we still don't know much about my attacker from earlier this afternoon, he could've ambushed them too" Erza said softly

"Attacker?" The bluenette repeated

"I'm afraid Gray is still out there needing my help!" Juvia proclaimed making Vyra roll her eyes

"We should form a search party immediately! If something happened to him, i'll never forgive myself for not being there!" Juvia shouted

Erza bypassed Juvia and looked over to the Moonlight mage

"Do you know where he is Vyra?" Erza asked the bluenette

"I don't keep him on a leash yeah know, we have respect for each other and I trust Gray" The bluenette said in annoyance due to the water mages comments

"I'm going to look for them, Vyra your with me" Erza proclaimed

"Sure" the girl agreed

"Come on Luce" Vyra grabbed the blondes arm

"You want me to come?" The celestial mage questioned

"Well your Natsu's partner so of course-" Vyra replied with no hesitation in her voice

"Wait... whaaat?!?" The blonde's face turned three shades of red

"Oh don't get weird that's not what I meant" The bluenette dragged the blonde by the arm as Erza followed

"Unless... you want to be..." The Moonlight mage raised her eyebrows with a grin wide enough to show her pearly white teeth

"VVYYRAAA" The blonde whined kicking her feet flustered




"That inn should be just around here, do you think we misheard the directions?" Lucy asked unsure of where they we're going

"No, this is the place--" Vyra said looking around

"Somethings not right, stay sharp" Erza proclaimed

"It's the same smell as before..." she whispered as a transformation circle went wide revealing some kind of monster

"Erza!!" Lucy shouted

"W-What is that thing?" Vyra questioned

"That's what attacked me... I had a feeling it would show up again" Erza narrowed her eyes

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