Enter the Oracion Seis!

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After Gray and Vyra entered the guild hall everything broke into chaos.

Gray and Vyra told their stories straight and everyone eventually calmed down

"Jett, don't go around telling people things that are not true!" Vyra bonked the strawberry blonde mage on the head

"Sorry Vy--" Jett replied with stars floating over his head

"But wait Vyra, one thing I gotta know-" Cana sat up with a drink in her hand

"Hm?" Vyra looked over to the brunette

"So are you guys actually a thing or what??" Cana flat out stated rather bluntly pointing at the bluenette and the Ice mage next to her

Caught off guard, Vyra began to blush

"Uhh-- Well--I-umm" Vyra stuttered nervously scratching the back of her head

"That parts true" Gray finished nonchalantly putting an arm around her shoulder

"NO WAY" Natsu and the rest of the guild exploded

"Gray!" Vyra spazzed in embarrassment slapping his arm away

"Together... as in boyfriend and girlfriend?" Juvia questioned to herself and images of Vyra and Grays life flashed in her head.

Them on a romantic date, going on jobs together, cuddling, babies...

This was a horror movie for the water mage

Juvia's was in agony as she began to erode away

"Maybe the rumors Jett was talking about were true..." Erza whispered to Lucy

"I mean they are together right? Who knows?" Lucy whispered back cuffing the side of her face

"I can still hear you!!" Vyra spazzed red in the face

"I swear if you hurt her, you won't live to see another day popsicle breath" Natsu threatened the ice mage having his arms crossed

"SO YOUR GOING AROUND MAKING THREATS FLAME BRAIN?" Gray jumped eying the dragon slayer

"WHATCHA SAY ICE PRINCESS?" Natsu screamed back as they were head to head

There they go again...

"Guys cut it out!" Vyra separated the Fire and Ice duo

"I guess if my beloved Gray is happy then Juvia will be too..." Juvia cried as she flooded the guild hall

"THEYYYY LOVEE EACHHH OTHERRRRR!!!" Happy teased with paws covering his mouth

"Someone pray for me..." Vyra sweat dropped watching everyone in the guild react in their own way

The bluenette was exhausted

"Whatcha doin Mira?" Vyra walked over to the girl trying to escape the madness

"As happy as I am for you and Gray, Vyra-" the girl paused

"Oh please, not you too Mira..." the Moonlight Mage facepalmed

"It's a chart listing out the dark guilds" She exhaled as other members of the guild started to crowd around

"Oh." The bluenette perked up

"It's a troubling sight, there are far more than I imagined" Erza proclaimed

"What brought this on?" Lucy asked

"Unfortunately, they have been noticeably more active as of late, that means we need to strengthen relationships with our fellow guilds" Mira explained

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