Training Camp

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"Three months from now, there will be a major event that decides the number one guild in Fiore and it's called The Grand Magic Games! It's a festival in which people compete in various events using magic. During the seven years we were gone, Fairy Tail became the weakest guild in the kingdom of Fiore, so to get back to number one, we decided to participate in the games. But those of us in the Tenrou group have a seven-year "blank", so we may not be able to keep up with the fighting styles of this age. There are three months until the festival, so we're going to have a training camp at the beach!"




"Did we really need to come to the beach out of all places?" A certain bluenette moaned in annoyance carrying her backpack along with some towels in her arms wearing an all black bikini

"Listen, we're not here to play we're here to train!" Carla proclaimed

"Aye!" Happy saluted as the two were wearing their kitty swim gear

"It's hard to take you seriously when your dressed like that-" Jett and Droy scoffed

"There's plenty of time for training-" Erza began

"They key is variation" She smiled

"We can play hard, eat hard and sleep hard!" She finished as she expressed herself in the water

"Hey wait just a minute, what about train hard?" Jett questioned the relaxed redhead

"THE OCEAN!" Natsu and Gray screamed as they ran towards the water childishly


"SWIMMING CONTEST-" The two boys raced against each other as Wendy and Vyra set up an umbrella and some towels

"SAND CASTLE CONTEST-" The dragon slayer and ice mage built a big castle using Happy as the flag

"EATING CONTEST-" They then went to the dinning hall to stuff their faces

"SUN TAN CONTEST!!!!" They turned as golden as the sun

"That was fun-- I'm ready for a nap" Natsu said as Gray stretched out a yawn

"Look at em' they're kicking back and relaxing-" Jett crossed his arms with a frown

"Well, I guess it's only the first day so we can let them enjoy it" Droy nodded

"First things first-" Erza began standing alongside Natsu, Lucy, Wendy and Gray

"Vyra!" She shouted pointing at the bluenette

"Huh?" The girl sat up with a confused look tilting down her cat eyed sunglasses wondering why the suns raise stopped hitting her

The shadows of her guild mates prevented it

The redhead smirked mischievously "Your going swimming today"


"Wha-" The bluenette's expression dropped as she was now being lifted up by Natsu and Gray

"N-Natsuuu, Gray!! Put me down!" She shouted as she spazzed

Her heart sank into her stomach as anxiety started to whirl

"Come on Vy! We're gonna teach you how to swim!" The dragon slayer smiled

"G-Gray!!" She turned to the ice mage hoping he'll notice her sense of unease


'Those idiots'

"Who knows, there might be elemental related magic within these games-" Lucy commented

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