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After a few broken walls later, the group joined back together.

"Uhh-- bad timing huh?" Lucy said in worry putting a hand up to her mouth looking uncomfortable as it looks as if Erza was killing a man shaking him back and forth, Gray crouched down and Natsu facing the opposite way.

"How are we supposed to break through this storm?" Vyra shouted

"I'm pretty sure we can catch up to him on the magic mobile... but the question is how?" Gray jumped

Natsu, being Natsu tried to punch his way through... and let's just say that didn't end well.

"And he thought that was going to work because?" Vyra interjected while Lucy looked like she was going to cry as Gray closed his eyes

Natsu tried and tried again, torturing his body until Lucy held him back.

"AHH!" Happy screamed 

"Lucy!! I finally remembered what I wanted to tell you!!"

"Look!" He rose up Virgo's key

"How did you get that?" Lucy snarled at the blue furred cat

"He asked me to give it to you..." Happy cried

"Virgo..." Natsu thought 

"Wasn't she the gorilla lady?!"

"Her contract with Everlue expired as soon as he was arrested" Happy said

"Okay then, let's give it a shot" Lucy took the key from Happy

"Open gate of the maiden. Virgo!" 

Lucy and Natsu were dumb struck.

"WOW! Look at you! You look like you lost some weight!" Natsu commented cheerfully

Lucy's jaw dropped as she instantly drilled a hole in the ground

"Looks like we made it out"

"There heading to Clover!"

The wind instantly picked up.

"Princess, i'll keep you panties from showing" Virgo said going behind Lucy

"You should worry about you own" Lucy sweat dropped

Gray who stood behind them, face beat red.

"O-oh, W-wow...."

Noticing his reaction, Vyra punched him as he goes flying into tomorrow. 

"You better watch it Gray" She huffed

"Where's Natsu? and Happy?" Lucy thought


The showdown between Natsu and Erigor went on, but in the end Natsu was the victor.


"You look pretty stupid in a scarf when your half naked-" Gray told off Natsu

"Like you have room to talk" Natsu retaliated

"I'm just glad your okay Natsu..." Vyra smiled and they all nodded

"GAHHHH" Everyone screamed

"Kage!" Erza shouted

"What do you think your doing?" Gray said

"Lullaby is mine now! You shouldn't have let your guard down flies!" Kage screamed taking off in the magic mobile with the lullaby flute.

Jaws dropped, stunned. What—just happened?

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now