Secrets should be kept secrets

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"You said one of the S-class quests are missing!?" Wakaba turned around facing Mira and the master.

"Does anyone know who took off with it?" Macao questioned

"Well, it's either someone very strong or very stupid-" Laki commented

"I know." Everyone shifted their eyes to the man on the second floor

"I saw a little blue cat fly up here and rip it off the board" He smirked

"It was Happy?!" Mira shouted

The guild then broke into chatter.

'He must've stolen it for Natsu!'

'I haven't seen Lucy around, they must've convinced her to go along'

'what were they thinking?'

"They got some nerve taking on an S-class quest..." Alzac said

"I don't know if I'd call it nerve, but it's definitely dumb" Bisca replied

"This is a serious violation of the rules. If they make it back they're getting kicked out right gramps?" Laxus began

"It's not like it matters, it's not like those three losers are going to make it back alive from a S-class quest" He teased

"Laxus, If you knew why did you stop them?!" Mira scolded the lightning mage

"All I saw was a cat burglar run off with a scrap of paper, I had no idea that it was actually Happy" Laxus replied

"I never would have thought Natsu would go on an S-class-" 

Mira gave him a deadly glare.

"Woah It's been a while since you looked at me like that" He teased

"I've actually missed it..."

"Well, which job is it then?" Master sighed in stress

Mira and Laxus didn't break eye contact. 

"Lifting the curse on...Galuna Island-"

"GALUNA ISLAND!! ARE THEY INSANE!?!" Everyone in the guild screamed

"Laxus! Go and fetch them at once!!" Master screamed

"Yeah right" He put a hand up in the air 

"I got more important things to do"

"and besides, everyone in Fairy Tail are supposed to take care of themselves" Laxus smirked

"I don't care how you feel about Natsu, they are in danger!! And the fact is you're the only one strong enough to bring them back by force" Makarov began

"Natsu will listen to you, the kid idolized you!" Makarov shouted

"Sorry" Laxus shrugged sarcastically

"I'll bring them back master..." Gray stood up


With Vyra and Erza

"Erza no offense... but why exactly did you pick me to go on this job with you?" The bluenette questioned as they walked back to the guild hall

"Is it terrible to say I just wanted company on a job?" Erza said with a smile

"N-no Ma'am!!" Vyra freaked not knowing what to say the red head

Erza stopped walking with her cart of luggages as Vyra kept walking not noticing until she turned around.


She pulled out her sword as her stance changed, releasing exotic pressure.

"Okay Erza your defiantly scaring me now!!" The bluenette shriveled in fear

Starlight Blue (Gray x oc x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now