Maiden of the Sky

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AN: Okay guys I take back everything I said about NaLu and Gruvia... THEY ARE EVERYTHING xD I'm almost done reading the Fairy Tail manga (I'm late I know) but omg the emotions. AHH I CAN'T HANDLE IT


Previously on Fairy Tail:

"Ughh... Ow...." The little girl stood up now taking the attention of all the other guild members in the mansion

"H-hi, I-Um..." The girl stuttered

"I'm sorry I got here so late. I came from the Cait Shelter guild-- My name is Wendy, it's nice to meet all of you" she smiled

"She's a kid!!" Lucy shouted

"A little girl" Lyon said

"Wendy..." Natsu whispered eyeing the little girl


"Wendy-" Hibiki whispered

"Marvel-ous" Eve gasped

"Cute" Ren smirked

"Now then since all guilds are present we can began" Jura proclaimed

"What in the world was Cait Shelter thinking bringing a little girl into this??" Sheri questioned putting a hand on her hip

"They really must be hurting for members if they sent her here on her own..." The pinkette huffed

"She isn't alone! You shouldn't jump to conclusions got it??" A little white cat then walked into the mansion behind Wendy

"What is this?" Gray commented

"A cat" Lyon said

"Woahh, she's just like Happy" Natsu and Vyra gasped

"Oh, Carla! You followed me here?" Wendy turned around facing the little white cat

"Of course I did, your far too young to go off unaccompanied child" Carla replied

"Pretty kitty-" Hibiki, Ren and Eve smiled

"YOU GUYS FLIRT WITH CATS TOO??" Lucy and Vyra shouted

Carla then faced Happy as the little blue cats heart exploded

"Sorry... I'm probably not what you expected" Wendy began

"I know I'm much smaller and younger then most of you... and I may not be much of a fighter but I can use all kinds of support magic" she shuffled nervously


Everyone was taken back by the tiny girls actions

"You'll never gain their respect if you don't gain confidence child" Carla scolded the girl

"I'm so sorry Carla-" the girl apologized blushing in embarrassment

"I swear, you'll drive me to catnip..." Carla crossed her paws

"I can't help it!!" Wendy spazzed as Carla sighed

"Forgive me, I was caught off guard rest assured no offense was meant. We're glad to have you aboard Wendy" Erza smiled

"Oh wow, your Erza right? I can't believe it's really you!" Wendy fangirled

Hibiki, Ren and Eve took they're opportunity and began hitting on the little blue haired girl

"Wendy... I think I heard that little girl's name before but I just don't know where" Natsu thought out loud putting a hand to his chin

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