Black Magic

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This chapter is great :))



All Vyra felt was her getting knocked to the ground

An arm was over her

She looked over to her right

"N-natsu?" She stuttered as he watched her expression

The unknown boy began crying

"Natsu--" He began

"WHO ARE YOU? YOU BETTER ANSWER ME OR ELSE-" The dragon slayer threatened


'I don't know what it was, but he felt so familiar to me...' the bluenette thought as she watched the crying mysterious boy


"WOAH! How did all the trees die!?!" Happy shouted as he flew towards the dragon slayer

"V-Vyra??" The little blue cat stuttered as he looked down to see the moonlight mage and the dragon slayer on the ground slowly getting themselves up as he turned around to now noticed the other flying cat heading towards the three

"WAIT YOU CAN FLY TOO?!" He put his paws up to his mouth as he and Lily flew closer to their partners

"This guy did all that d-damage?" Happy questioned

"He's no ordinary wizard..." Vyra commented looking at the sad boy

"Look pal! This island is off limits to anyone who is not in the Fairy Tail guild, so keep your freaky death cloud out of our trial!" Natsu spazzed as he began to flame up his palms

"Natsu you need to calm down-" Vyra put a hand on the boys shoulder

"...You've much..."

"HUH?" Natsu spazzed

"I've missed you... Natsu-"

"THAT'S IT!" The dragon slayer shouted as he jumped up in the air and punched the unknown man square in the face

"AHH!" Vyra, Happy and Lily screeched


"Natsu!" Vyra shouted at the boy

'...he was pain... he was suffering... the look on his face said it all...' The bluenette thought as she watched the unknown man in front of them land gracefully after that hit

"You still can't break me-"

"You better tell me who you are, because I won't ask again" Natsu growled

'...He's like me...' The moonlight mage thought

"When will this mindless destruction end... I don't want to kill anymore... the one person who could stop me still isn't strong enough..."

"Kill?" Vyra repeated shakily

"How long must I wait?" the man questioned as tears began to seep out of his eyes

"Why is he cryin'?" Happy questioned uncomfortably

"Arrgghhh!" The man screamed as he clutched his head in agony

"Run! NO! Get AWAY!" He shouted as a black cloud of mist began to form around the man once again, startling Natsu

"What the heck?!?" Happy shouted as the black cloud expanded

"That's the same thing that happened to us earlier-" Lily said

"It drains the life out of anything it touches--" Vyra finished

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