Strength From Within

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Previously on Fairy Tail

"Look at that-"

"I came across a couple of strong wizards..."

Vyra's eyes widened listening to the voice.

"Jura... one of the 10 wizard saints!" Orga whispered as nervous sweat trickled down his forehead

"Shall I join the contest as well?" The man appeared out of the shadows

"My blood hasn't burned like this for a long time-"

'A dragon slayer, a god slayer, a wizard saint and a me...' Vyra looked around


'This could be fun~' She smirked


"Jura, I want to see you when you are serious-" 

"Well, ten wizard saint? Can you block my magic?" 

"Or calling you a wizard saint is just a card you pull?" Orga pushed as he held black lightning in his hand preparing to attack

"Go ahead-" Jura chuckled as Vyra and Laxus  watched

They knew what the man was capable of... unlike the Sabertooth wizard.

"Okay then..." Orga grinned before letting out his attack

"Charge Particle Cannon of the Lightning God!!!" He shouted as a beam of black lightning shot towards the wizard saint

In a moment's notice, Jura opened his eyes and the fight was over.

Olga was knocked out in a flash. Vyra's stomach clenched as she looked over to the passed out Sabertooth wizard.

'Crap, why did we have to run into Jura?'

"I've wanted to fight you for the longest time, being Makarov's grandson..." Jura looked over to the blonde

"Oi, don't go there-" Laxus snapped

"And you too Vyra-" The girl's eyes slightly widened before furrowing

 "...for being the other Fernandes sibling-"

"You both are strong, but let's see how strong you really are." He smiled

Ticked, Laxus made the first move which surprised the bluenette... and all it took was a karate chop to the back to have him on the ground.

Vyra lunged soon after as Jura used his earth magic to create a fist punching the girl into a nearby building.

Getting the wind knocked out of her, she spat up blood in mid air.

Laxus gawked as he watched the girl smash through the brick wall.


"Whoaa! Look over here folks! Fairy Tail's Laxus and Vyra are locked in a 2 on 1 battle against Lamia Scale's Wizard Saint Jura! Things aren't looking good right now... could this be the down fall for Fairy Tail?" Chapati spazzed

"They're fighting Jura?" Erza's head whipped around to face the lacrima screen

Laxus had a worried expression as Vyra struggled to stand.

Not good...

"In this world, there is always someone above you" Jura proclaimed

"Yeah your right about that..." Laxus growled

"But what you might have forgotten, is that you really need to watch your back!"

Vyra appeared swiftly and quietly as she jumped behind the wizard saint.

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