Vyra vs Alexei

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"Hey did you hear? Some nut job went over to where Sabertooth was staying and went tearing up the place!"

"What kind of an idiot would pick a fight with those guys???

"He must have a death wish ha!"

Strolling in the streets Yukino halted over hearing the conversation of the city folks.

'Was it Natsu?' She thought looking up towards the coliseum

"Any guild that makes a friend cry doesn't deserve to call itself a guild"

"No way-- wow." She gasped slightly blushing


"Welcome to day three of the Grand Magic Games! I personally will be on my best behavior around today's guest, from the magic council it's Marshall Lahar!" Chapati introduced the guest commentator

"It's been quite a while" Yajima looked over to the man

"Thank you for having me."

"Oh man-" Vyra looked up to the screen gasping as she watched the council member

'I remember that guy...' She frowned

"Let's kick off today's games with something exciting that we call-"


"As usual, we will have one member from each team compete so please choose wisely"

"I got this one, I'm still fired up from what went down last night" Natsu flamed up his fists

"You did yesterdays round, so it's not your turn-" Gray retorted

"Yeah Natsu, your not the only one who would love to get some sweet pay back-" Lucy butted in

"You guys, that's not fair-" Vyra puffed out her cheeks

She didn't even get to compete in a game yet...

"Right. So I'll play then." Erza came to conclusion

"What?!?" The bluenette jumped

"Vyra, the council is here today. Don't worry, you'll get the next one" She smiled walking towards the arena making the bluenette match her confident expression

"Alright, go get us a win Erza!" Lucy cheered


"Before you stands a castle filled with vicious monsters!! That's pandemonium!"

"Holy crap-" Cana gasped

"I take it we are to take battle with these vicious monsters?" Jura questioned

"Yes! You are correct sir!" The little pumpkin guy responded

"100 terrifying beasts are lurking within the castle walls but don't panic, there's no danger or threat of them escaping into the crowd. They are magic projections we created perfect for the game!"

"They are classified by their degree of difficulty. There are five classes D,C,B,A and S. Monsters of a higher class are two times stronger than the one beneath them. You will all take turns at choosing the monsters that you wish to fight in each round."

"We call this, the competitors' right to challenge!"

"So we make the choice?" Erza questioned

"That is correct! So for instance, if you say you want to fight three monsters, there will be three waiting inside for you!"

"You will be going in alone of course, if you successfully vanquish those creatures you will be rewarded three points!"

"The next competitor in the rotation will choose a number out of the 97 that still remain and the process repeats! The game will end, when either all the monsters are gone or to the point where everyone runs out of magic power whichever comes first."

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