J-Just K-Kill...m-me...

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A/N: Like the edit ??? I tried my best making Vyra.


Somewhere floating in the sky 

Fluttering her heavy eyelids open, the first thing Vyra tried to do was move but was unable to due to the restraintment chains wrapped around her ankles and wrists.

"W-What-" She wiggled beginning to spazzed

"What the hell is this?!?"

'a-and what the heck am I wearing?'  The moonlight mage looked down to see a thin black tank top dress thrown over her

"My my, what vulgar language for such a little girl-"

The bluenette was then faced with a voluptuous woman wearing a mask.

"You're a captive of Tartaros now-"

"Where's Erza!!" She shouted worried about her guild mate but the woman ignored her completely, walking closer to her

"Listen closely-" She forcefully pinched Vyra's cheeks together with one hand

"I need to ask you a simple question girl-"




Her eyes widened at the mention of the man.

"Your big brother Vyy-rra Fernn-aandes-" She shook the girls face back as forth as if she were a doll

"Where is he??" The woman squeezed her cheeks further making Vyra twinge

"And? What do you do care?" Vyra grimaced before her eyes widened in complete pain

"Because I'm going to find him-" She slightly bent down to be eye level with the bluenette

"I have a special curse that I only use for interrogations you see?" The woman waved around her glowing green claw finger

"It hone's in your pain receptors, sends them into overdrive-" She smiled in pure maliciousness as Vyra trembled


"Heh." The blunette scoffed as beads of sweat trickled down her for head 

Mustering up all the energy she could, Vyra lifted her head up letting out a smile



"S-Screw y-you-" 

The bluenette proceed to spit in her face before hanging her head back down. Eyes shut, the woman wiped the saliva off her face and grimaced in disgust. 

She then created a whip with her interrogation magic beating the moonlight mage with it.

Seething in pain, tears began to trickle out of Vyra's eyes absentmindedly.

"Our initial plan was to hunt down every former council member one by one but, now there's no need. We already found the names of the three who've been keeping Faze sealed away. Naturally we disposed of the first two, but the last eludes us." The Tartaros member leaned into the blunette, noses almost touching

"The last seal is Jellal, once he dies faze will be unleashed-"



It made her chest sink. 

"N-No..." Vyra shook uncontrollably staring at the ground


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