The Other Promise

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A/N: So I decided to do a flashback for this chapter, so you see more of Vyra's past. Hope you all enjoy!

Jellal Age: 9

Vyra Age: 8


"Would ya stop pouting? It's not my fault you dropped your ice cream..." A carefree young Jellal said walking on the streets of Margaret Town with his hands lazily supporting the back of his head

"It's not my fault either!! Someone bumped into me!!" The little girl trailing behind Jellal ranted

This was no other than Vyra.

"a-and I didn't even have a taste..." She complained

She wore a burnt orange sundress with black tennis shoes and a brown backpack. She also had her shoulder length signature blue hair up in a high ponytail.

"I think this is one of the nicest towns we've been to-" Jellal commented looking around at the scenery

There were street performers on every block, families were together either enjoying a birthday or some sort of celebration... and to top it all off, when the sun sets... the sky looks like a painting.


"How about we stay an extra day??" Jellal smiled

"Oh yeah!!" Vyra cheered

"Another ice cream on the double!" She continued with a fist pumped into the air

"We don't have enough money for that Vy..." Jellal sweat dropped



A huge ship came upon the harbor and the civilians were running as their lives depended on it.

"What's going on?" Vyra asked as the two siblings stood, dumbfounded

Guards then came out of the ships and tackled people to the ground.

Children, adults, the elderly, you name it. Nobody was safe.

"Come on Vy-" Jellal said swiftly pulling the younger girl by the hand into the alleyways

The two siblings hid behind a dumpster. 

"Jella-" Vyra was cut off

The older boy put a hand covering her mouth as he kept peaking around the corner from time to time to keep a look out from the guards.

From his seriousness, the way he was acting... it was starting to scare her.

"Hey!! We got two over here!!" One of the guards screamed pointing at the blue headed siblings

 'Tsk. Damn it!' Jellal turned around and grabbed Vyra's hand once again.

"RUNN!!" He screamed

The two bolted as fast as they could, turning at every other corner hoping to lose the guards.

"It's a dead end..." Vyra felt the brick wall with her hands making Jellal clench his jaw

"J-Jellal..." The younger girl began to cry

"Vy, please don't cry. It's okay... I'm here, and I'll protect you!" Jellal got on his knees trying to comfort his baby sister

"There they are-" The three guards approached the duo

Jellal stood up putting Vyra behind him.

"You know-" The first guard began

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