Game Over

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"How did I end up all the way over here?" Vyra thought as she was now on the outside of the tower walking up the staircase

She plopped down on the concrete stairs and looked out to the ocean letting out a sigh.

"Some say Cherry Blossoms are the most beautiful flower of them all..." A woman with lilac hair wearing a lime green kimono said walking down the stairs making her heels click against the concrete

"-But I find Chrysanthemum's a lot more dashing" She took out her sword

Vyra narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"My name is Shizuko, a member of trinity Raven" She pointed her sword at the bluenette

"And I'm here to eliminate you... my love" She smirked


With Erza

"How could you!!!!!!" Sho screamed running through the tower to find Jellal

"You lied to me Jellal, you lied to all of us-- I won't let you get away with this" The blonde said with a hateful expression

"Calm down Sho!" Erza's voice echoed

"He's gotta pay for what he did!" Sho yelled back

"Your going to need my help to fight him, release me from this card at once" Erza banged from the inside of the card she was stuck in

"I can't do that, I'm sorry but it's for your own good-- your safe in there!" He replied

"Don't be stupid!"

The blonde came to a halt, putting up he's cards up in defense as a pink haired woman approached them

"I am the one they call Ikaruga-- Now, who might you be?" She crossed her arms

"Get out of my way lady, Don't make me hurt you!" The boy threatened

"Why must I be with such a boorish man?" The woman exhaled

"I warned you!!!" Sho let out his attack towards the woman

In one swipe she spilt all the cards in half.

"That sword of yours won't scare me!!" He unleashed another attack

"I-I can't move..." Sho fell to his knees

"I just severed your nerves without cutting your flesh, you should be grateful" The woman said slyly

"Let me out of here!!" Erza shouted

"Well, well, what do we have here?" She gasped

"-I wondered where you were hiding Erza"

"You gotta release me Sho!! She's too powerful for you to take on by yourself" The redhead screamed from inside the card

"My twin sister is dealing with the Moonlight brat as we speak, and your next on the list Titana"

Erza scowled knowing that not just Vyra, but all her other guild members are in danger as well.

Exactly what she didn't want.

"Don't worry about me, I cast a shielding spell on that card-- so she can't harm you from the outside!" Sho shouted worriedly

"Let's test that theory, shall we?" Ikaruga threatened changing her stance

Sho's eyes widened "She can cut against the dimensional rift!?!"

"Sister..." The blonde shielded his eyes from the blinding light as Erza emerged from the card

"I suspected your attacks would weaken Sho's sealing spell, allowing me to cut right through it to freedom" Erza proclaimed

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