Kiss ( X Josh )

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Your POV

Josh and I were watching the baseball game. He bought me tickets and we sat close-ish to the field. Our team was at bat. " If he can hit at least a double the team can catch up, " I stated. " Uh... Yeah. Go sports team, hit a... 3 pointer? " he asked. I giggled and shook my head. " Touchdown? " he asked, now joking. I shook my head again. " Hole in one? Goal? " He asked as he tried to hold back a laugh. " No, Josh, " I replied happily. Josh lifted me onto his lap and I squealed.

" It's home run isn't it? " he asked softly. " Yep, " I replied softly. I thought he was going to kiss me... But he didn't. " Okay, the teams have finished their timeout. Let's get back to the game! " The announcer said happily. I sat up and climbed into my seat. I sighed softly.

Josh's POV

I was this close to kissing her! So close! I was stopped by the announcer. I wish I kissed because now I noticed she was sad. The pitcher pitched the ball. The player hit it and... Home run! Y/N jumped and screamed happily. I smiled to myself as I stood up. She hugged me quickly.

" Now as the teams take a break we are going onto some mini events! " the announcer started. The first event was a guess which hat the ball is under game. " It's three! " Y/N yelled happily. " No, it's four! " I replied. She looked at me with a confused smile. " It's definitely three, Josh! " she stated. " No its- " I began. " And it's number three! " the announcer stated. " Three, exactly, " she stated with a grin.

Your POV

" Now it's time for the kiss cam! " the announcer stated. I looked at Josh and he smiled at me. I looked up at the kiss can as it scanned across couples. " And now for the final couple, " the announcer continued. The camera panned to Josh and I. For a second we were both wide-eyed. We looked at each other and some of the crowd began to chant, " kiss! Kiss! Kiss! "

We both stood up and he wrapped an arm around me. He pulled me to his chest as I continued to look up at him. " Josh, I- " I began. He kissed me quickly and the crowd cheered. I melted into the kiss and Josh held me tightly. He pulled away, " if you want to stop they've forgotten all about us. " I giggled. " Why would I ever stop kissing you? " I asked. He pulled me in for another kiss. " I love you, Josh. "

Author's Note: Pretty similar to the last one I know. I have two requests to write. I'll try and get them done soon! Love you guys! 💖

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