COVID 19 x Chris

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      I sat in my room. It was now the fourth week of quarantine and I have been bored of it for the same amount of time. Josh and I were hanging out with our dog Max.

Chris: How ya holding up? I'm haven't heard from you since quarantine started. 😞

         I read my text message solemnly. I wanted to see Chirs and talk with him but I felt talking with him would make me miss him more. I slid into the messages tab reluctantly.

Me: I'm fine. I just miss you.
Chris: Then why did you not message me 🤨🤨🤨
Me: I broke my phone. Just got a new one.

          I lied to Chirs, trying to avoid annoying him.

Chris: Oh alright. I was starting to think you were avoiding me 😅

"Well only because talking to you makes me miss you more," I typed.

            I deleted it before coming up with a different response.

Me: I would never. But talking to you over text and not getting to hang out with you is a bummer.
Chris: Then maybe you should look out your window.


Chris: That sounds creepy- I mean- Just look out your window I'm not a creep.

      I stood up and looked over to Josh who was reading with Max on his stomach. I then turned to my window and opened it, seeing Chris in my driveway with a mask on, holding flowers.

"Hey!" He yelled cheerily.

"Hi!" I laughed laying my head on my arms which were now placed on the window sill.

"I thought about bleaching the flowers but it felt like a bad decision. I'm wearing gloves though!" He laughed.

"Hey Cochise!" Josh yelled, looking over my head.

"Hey Josh!" Chris yelled one response.

"Are those for me?" Josh joked.

"Well I was going to ask your sister on a date but I can't see why you wouldn't make the perfect boyfriend!"

"I accept, see ya Friday night!" Josh yelled with a chuckle before returning to his book.

"You really want to date?" I asked now, without interruption.

"I mean I know now isn't the best time but I figured if I died from COVID-19 I'd regret never asking the beautiful Y/N L/N out."

"Well thank you; the handsome, goofy, incredibly intelligent Christopher Hartley."

        I saw the uncovered portions of his face go red before his response.

"I'm glad. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my best friend and now- My girlfriend."

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