Cuts ( X Josh )

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Trigger Warning: Self-harm

Josh's POV

       I lined the blade up with my lower arm. It was a razor blade from the one I used to shave but it would do the trick. It was raining heavily and I was sitting alone on one of the swings in a park. Y/N took me here a while back and now we go to it all the time. I noticed a nodded figure walking down the path. I decided to ignore them as I began to cut myself. Losing Hannah and Beth made me resort to this. The pain was unbearable, losing them. This was nothing compared to the piece of my heart that died with them.

Your POV

      I was walking down the path in Josh and I's favorite park. I had a terrible day so the rain didn't bother me much. I had ear muffs on so it wouldn't get my headphones wet. I looked up from the blank pavement and saw a familiar figure on the swings. I couldn't tell what he was doing but he seemed to be in pain. As I got closer I noticed it was Josh.

       " Josh! " I yelled. He dropped something small and silver onto the ground before looking up at me. He quickly unrolled his sleeve so it covered his arm. " Josh, what're you doing out here? " I asked. He quickly grabbed the chains of the swings. " Just... Swinging, " he replied anxiously. I could tell he was lying.

      I grabbed his arm and he winced. " Y/N, what're you- " he began. I lifted his sleeve and saw cuts. " Did you do this? " I asked. " I mean- " he began again. " Joshua, did you cut yourself? " I asked angrily and protectively. I call him Joshua when I get mad. " Y-Yes, " he replied. I started to cry and he pulled me in for a hug.

      " Why would you do that to yourself? " I asked softly. " I don't even know anymore, " he replied. I sighed softly. " Hey, look at me. Look at me, " he began, I looked up at him solemnly, " I'm okay now, thanks to you. I love you. " He kissed me softly and I could tell he was smiling slightly. " I love you too, Josh, " I replied softly.

       I pulled away and stood up. Josh did the same and placed his hands on my hips. I pushed them off and he looked at me... confused. " Promise me you won't ever hurt yourself again... On purpose that is, " I stated. He gave me a light chuckle. " Promise me, " I said softly as I grabbed his arm. " I promise, " Josh replied, " Now, where were we? " He grabbed my arms lightly and placed them on his shoulders before he rested his hands on my waist.

         He kissed me softly as the rain poured down on the both of us. " We should get home, I'm getting cold, " I stated. " One more minute, " Josh replied softly. " Fine. "

Author's Note: Should be another Josh chapter coming out tomorrow or Thursday. If you liked it give it a vote! Add this to your library so you can get notified when it is updated. If you guys really like this book, go check out my other books at Tigyur. Love you guys!

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