My Geeky Boyfriend (X Chris)

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Hey, Everyone! I'd just like to say that this chapter is loosely based on "My Geeky Boyfriend" by @Diabolik-Writer213. It's a great story and I would love if you would check it out! If you want me to shout out another book. Tell me and I will. I . love all your stories. (Just saying, since I'm not making a whole story. I'm breaking off from the story to create drama then finish the one-shot, hope you still like it) 😁

Your POV

Chris and I were riding up to Josh's mountain lodge. The view was just perfect, the vast landscapes were beautiful. I looked over to Chris and he quickly looked away from me. I stifled a laugh and turn back to the window, watching Chris through the corner of my eye. He was smiling softly to himself. I shook my head and continued to stare out into the beautiful view.

Once we arrived, I began to pick up my things and put them in my pockets as Chris quickly climbed out of the car. He ran around the front and opened the door for me, a large grin painted on his face.

"M'lady," He smiled.

"Dork," I laughed in response.

Chris grabbed the bags from the car and didn't let me grab one. He nodded towards the hill and we began walking. He looked like he was struggling a little with all the bags.

"This is very gentlemanly of you Chris, but do you need any help?" I asked, slightly worried.

"N-Nope," He sort of grunted as he pulled a bag over the rock it was stuck on.

"Okay," I laughed.

We chatted a bunch about random topics until we made it to the ski lift. Chris set the bags down with a huff and caught his breath for a second. Suddenly, he stood up and smiled to himself.

"Y/N! Follow me!" He stated happily.

      I followed after Chris, around the building, to a small gun range.

"Ain't it beautiful?" He asked with a bright smile.

       God, how could I say no to that adorable face?

"Yes, it's... Nice."

"You don't like it."

"N-No. I like it."

"Y/N, I know you. I know how you act when you are lying," Chris stated as he stepped towards me, "If you don't like it... Just say it."

       Chris and I were inches apart. Chris's hand grazed mine and suddenly we were holding hands.


"Hey! Chris!" I heard a female voice call out.

      Chris jumped away from me and hit the barrier of the shooting range.

"Fuck," He cursed under his breath as the girl ran up.

"Chris are you okay?" She asked quickly.

"Oh yeah, Sam. I'm fine."

       Chris stood up and greeted the girl who I now know as Sam. Chris showed the shooting range off to the unattentive Sam and I stayed in the corner, trying to hide my jealousy. Later; Chris, Sam, and I headed to the ski lift. Chris was examining the building and left Sam and I together.

"So, do you like Chris?" Sam whispered.

       I looked Chris who wasn't paying attention at all.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked nervously.

"It's cute. But yes, obvious. Why not tell him?"

"I- I don't know. I heard something about him liking another girl," I replied nervously.

"Oh yeah, Ashley. She's a friend of ours, but I believe you have a chance and honestly I think you two would be cuter."

"I- Thank you," I replied.

"Ready to go?" Chris asked from behind me.

"Oh, yeah," I stated quickly as I turned around with equivalent speed.

"Someone's excited," Chris laughed.

              We walked into the ski lift and Sam nudged me towards Chris's side. It was a lot colder than I expected. I wrapped my arms around myself and let out a soft sigh.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Chris asked.

"What? Yeah."

"Your nose is purple, come here," he stated softly.

                 Chris moved his jacket then pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he let my head rest on his chest. He flipped his jacket back around me and him so we could both stay warm. I didn't want this moment to end.

*A little while later*

"Pick one Chris. Josh, or Y/N," the voice rang.

              I was tied to a wall, suspended a foot up. Next to me, my best friend Josh, begging you be saved. Across from me, my crush Chris, looking up at the two of us frantically and back down to the lever. To think we were fine only hours ago. Everyone was happy, with a little bit of fighting. But that was nothing. How did we get here? What did we do wrong.

"Chris, please man! You can't let me die!" Josh begged.

         I looked at Josh and he seemed terrified. I didn't know what to do. I laid back against the wall and closed my eyes.

           Before I knew it I was back in Chris's arms, blocking out all the sounds of horror. I'd be fine dying now if this was the last image I got. The feeling of his arms around me, keeping me warm despite the freezing cold. It was beautiful, I never wanted to-

"No! No Chris! Please don't do this!" I heard Josh scream.

"I'm sorry Josh," he yelled, tears filling his eyes.

           I looked to the saw set to kill one of us. It was moving toward Josh. I felt fear rush into my body. I didn't want Josh to die.

"No! No! Stop!" I begged.

"Y/N! Close your eyes!"

"Josh!" I screamed as it got close to him.

              I closed my eyes before it made contact. I heard him screaming violently until all I could hear was the saw. I heard a creek and Chris ran to me.

"Keep your eyes closed Y/N!" Chris stated as he untied me.

                I was brought back down and Chris led me out of the building. I opened my eyes to see I was drenched in blood. Chris helped me out of my jacket and wrapped his jacket around my arms, I slid my arms into the sleeves.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

                  I just hugged him tightly. I cried into his chest and helped me close.

"Why did Josh have to die?" I cried.

"I know, but I couldn't lose you Y/N," Chris began, "I-I- like you too much."

                    I hugged him tighter, hearing a small wheeze.

"I like you too, Chris."

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