Broken Heart ( X Chris )

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Your POV

         Chris and I had been on and off dating for a while. We never really announced we were dating we'd just occasionally go out on dates. Everyone pesters us to get together though it never happened. Chris and I were just finishing messing with the Ouija board with Josh. He thought we were joking and got pissed off.

" How could you do this to me Y/N? You know I-I- thought I could trust you and Chris since you didn't participate in the prank but... I guess I was wrong. You are just as callous- "

" Back off Josh, Y/N would never do that. " Chris stepped in front of me protectively as he finished his sentence.

" You know what? I don't need this. I'm going to the kitchen. " Josh stormed off and Chris sighed.

" I'm... Sorry about Josh. He is just having a hard time. " I hugged Chris. He kissed the top of my head which was the closest thing he would do to kissing me. I let the familiar smell of Chris's aftershave fill my lungs. It brought me joy for no less than three seconds before we heard Josh yell.

" Josh! " we both yelled. I ran down to the kitchen with Chris a little bit behind me. I was pulled in and screamed.

Chris's POV

Y/N got pulled into the kitchen. She screamed in fear as the door slammed shut.

" Y/N! " I yelled before pulling back on the door handle. It wouldn't budge. I tried my best to force it open. Moments later it opened on its own. I ran in and called for Y/N. I felt a mask cover my mouth and gas flooded my lungs. I was slowly knocked unconscious.

" You can't protect her from me, Chris, " a distorted voice rang in my ear. It was the last thing I heard. Whoever took Y/N knew that I always tried my best to protect her. This time... I failed.

( Later )

I woke up in a chair. I stood up and looked around. I saw Y/N. Her wrists were tied above her head. Her body... Suspended about three inches above the ground. Her legs were tied to the wall as well. She had a bruise between her cheek and her eye.

" You punched her! How could you! " I hit the chain covered window that was stopping me from getting to Y/N.

" Chris, Chris, Chris. You've spent the last five years being the most overprotective wuss. The past five years you have asked her on dates but never have asked her to become your girlfriend. You're stupid and now you'll pay for your stupidity. " The Psycho lifted up a branding iron. It was shining bright orange from the heat.

" You see this? What is this symbol? "

" A broken heart " I gulped.

" Now, it's time for your punishment. You have to watch Y/N scream in pain. You get to stand here, helplessly begging for mercy. " I hit the fence in anger again.

" Let her go! Please! Take me instead! "

" No, no, no. Chris. You see, that wouldn't be a sweet enough punishment. I know how much you love to protect her. Standing her, powerless against me... That is the true punishment. Hearing her scream just makes it so much better. "

Your POV

I woke up tied to a wall. I saw a burly man with a mask on talking to Chris from the other side of the wall.

" Let me down! Please! Chris help! " I screamed. The man whipped around and stared at me. My lip quivered as he got closer. He lifted my shirt up to my bra and held up a branding iron. Chris was yelling endless curses at the Psycho.

" Chris, please! Don't let him do this! "

" I'm sorry Y/N! " Chris yelled as he rammed the door with his arm.

" That's not gonna help, Chris, " the Psycho said calmly.

" Now come watch. " Chris reluctantly stood at the window. I squirmed to no avail before the Psycho grabbed my exist, holding me still. I started bawling as Chris just watched in pain.

Chris's POV

" I've found the perfect spot, Chris. "

" I'm going to kill you if you lay another hand on her! "

" It's too late. " He pressed the branding iron to her chest. Dead center, under her bra, close to her heart. She screamed bloody murder as he held it to her chest for more than 3 seconds. Once he took it off he set the branding iron down. He untied Y/N's legs then wrists, letting her fall to the ground. As soon as the Psycho disappeared the door opened.

" Y/N! I'm coming! " I ran into the room and held Y/N in my arms. She was shaking terribly.

" C-Chris, i-i-it burns, " she cried softly. I stood up and quickly carried her outside. I grabbed a handful of snow and slowly spread it across her wound. Y/N screamed in pain.

" I'm so sorry. I know it hurts, " I whispered softly.

Your POV

Chris grabbed some more snow and packed it on my chest as the old snow melted. I was about to scream when Chris kissed me. As much pain as I was experiencing, the pleasure from our first kiss overpowered it.

" Chris? " Matt asked from down the path. Chris pulled away and looked up. Matt and Emily ran up to us.

" What happened? "

" There is a Psycho on this mountain. He hurt Y/N. I'm not gonna rest until he pays for what he did, " Chris replied angrily. Chris turned to me and gave me a quick kiss.

" But I have to make sure Y/N is safe first. " Chris lifted me up and slowly fixed my shirt, being careful not to hit the bruise. Chris hugged me slowly, still cautious. I looked up at him and he kissed me.

" Let's get to the lodge. Gather everyone and get out of here. "

" Thank you, Chris. "

" Anything for you Y/N, I love you. "

Author's Note: Hey, Everyone! I have a discord channel now since I use it with my friends. Go check it out, You can chat with myself and other writers, get shout outs, and get notified when I do Instagram live streams! Love you guys!

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