Fridgide ( Mike X Sam )

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Sam's POV

       I ran down the hill hand in hand with Mike. We were trying to help Josh and in turn, we get chased by one of those freakish monsters. Mike and I stopped at a cliff. We backed away from it slowly already knowing our fate. We were either gonna die or-

" Jump! " Mike yelled as he pulled me down with him. He shielded my face with one hand and used his other to grab at rocks and slow us down. He came to a stop on a little ridge. It was freezing cold.

" We must be made it at least twenty-nine meters, " Mike started softly.

" Th-That's a lot more to go to get down. "

" We're not going down this way, " he started as he pointed to our right. I saw the ski lift.

" We can climb to it and hopefully get it working so we can get down. "

" What about everyone else? "

" I only care about you right now. Forget them. " I blushed and looked up at him.

" Mike, if we don't make it... I-I- love you. " I stuttered from the chill down my spine.

" I love you- " he began. I kissed him quickly and passionately.

" Okay, now I need to save you. "

Author's Note: Really short, I know. DanielleCarinci I'm sorry. I just wanted to get a part out. Thanks for requesting it though. I want to do some one-shots based on songs. Any good songs for ideas? Go ahead and tell me. Love you guys!

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