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"Guys! I have some news!" Kevin came running into the lounge waving his phone around.
"Kevin, what happend?" Betty asked. Kevin handed her his phone, and the whole group leaned in to see what was on Kevin's phone. Betty gasped.
"Somebody posted a picture of your ultra sound, Betty." Kevin explained.
"Wait, how are we supposed to believe this is Betty's?" Veronica asked, "It could, just be a random ultra sound somebody is trying to pass off as Betty's."
"My name is printed in the corner, V." Jughead put his arm around Betty and rubbed her shoulder.
"How did somebody even get this?" Jughead asked.
"One of the copies must have fallen out of the envelope." Betty pulled the envelope out of her backpack, and counted the pictures.
"Yep, one's missing." Betty said.
"Who posted it Kev?" Archie asked.
"It was posted anonymously." Kevin explained, "but if I had to guess, I'd say Cheryl Blossom." Right on cue Cheryl walked in the door.
"Greetings chums." Veronica grabbed Kevin's phone and shoved it in Cheryl's face.
"Cheryl, you need to take this down right the hell now!"
"You're kidding right? You think I posted that? I would never hurt my cousin." Cheryl motioned to Betty.
"Well, then who did it?" Veronica asked.
"I have my suspicions. My guess is the person that told the whole school about Betty's preganacy, Reggie Mantle." Cheryl turned away and walked out of the lounge. Archie clenched his fists and ran out of the lounge, down the hall, to the boy's locker room. Reggie was sitting with the whole football team surrounding him, and sure enough, holding Betty's ultra sound. Archie ran up to Reggie and punched him in the face. Reggie yelped and clutched his face. He pulled his hand away, and it was covered in blood. His lip and nose were bleeding, and his eye was swollen.
"What the hell man!" Reggie yelled. Archie grabbed Reggie's phone and deleted the post.
"Leave my friends alone." Archie walked out the locker room, and down the hall, back towards the lounge.

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