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Jughead stared at her.
"Wait what?"
"It's time. I'm gonna have a baby!" Jughead pulled her in for a hug and kissed her.
"Let's go have a baby." She nodded with tears in her eyes. They grabbed the hospital bags, ran out the door, and hurried to the hospital. When they arrived they ran through the doors and checked in with the front desk.
"Are you having bad contractions or did your water break?" The receptionist asked.
"My water broke." Betty said.
"Floor three, check in with Debby. She'll tell you where to go."
"Thank you." Betty and Jughead rushed to the elevator and pressed three. The elevator went up two floors, then opened. When it opened they saw another desk with a receptionist behind it.
"Are you Debby?" Betty asked.
"Yes I am. What can I do for you today?" She replied in a sweet voice.
"My water broke."
"Oh dear. Well that means you're going into labor. Who is your doctor? I'll contact him."
"Doctor. Williams."
"Ok." The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Yes hello. Is Doctor. Williams here today. Yes? Okay great. Could you tell him that one of his patient's water broke. Um it's-" She covered the bottom of the phone with her hand. "What's your name sweety?"
"Elizabeth Cooper."
"Tell him it's Elizabeth Cooper. Uh huh. Ok. I will, thank you."
"If you'll go right through those doors at the end of the hall you'll find our birthing suites. Room 211 is open. When you get in there there will be a hospital gown folded on the bed, you need to change into that."
"Okay thank you." Betty and Jughead rushed through the double doors and ran down the hall to room 211. When they walked in, there was a bed in the middle of the room with a bunch of monitors around it. Next to the bed was a tiny table for the baby, and there was a couch on the other side of the room.

Betty picked up the hospital gown and changed into it

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Betty picked up the hospital gown and changed into it.
"Hello!" Doctor Williams walked into the room and gave Betty a hug.
"Hey, Dr. Williams."
"So how are you? How far apart are your contractions?"
"My contractions are four minutes apart and last for three minutes and thirty seconds."
"Okay, are you in any extreme pain?"
"It's not bad. Just uncomfortable. Every contraction hurts a little more."
"Okay good." Doctor Williams pulled some blue gloves onto his hands. "Your water did break correct?" He asked. Betty nodded.
"Okay, so hop up on the bed and I'll do some tests. Then we'll figure out what we need to give you." Betty pulled herself up onto the hospital bed, and layed down. Doctor Williams did several tests on Betty including an ultra sound, blood work, blood pressure, and tons of others.
"Okay so you are dilated four centimeters. We can give you an epidural if you want, but you don't need it."
"Well, I don't really know. I'm really scared of the needle, but I'm more scared of what the birth would feel like if I didn't take the epidural."
"So is that a yes?"
"Maybe. What do you think I should do?"
"Well, the epidural does hurt, but it only does for like a couple minutes. Then you can't feel anything and the birth doesn't hurt at all."
"So you think I should do it?"
"I think you would regret not doing it."
"Ok, I'll do it."
"Great. I'll send a nurse in to give you an IV then I'll come back in like thirty minutes to give you the epidural."
"Thank you Doctor." Doctor Williams nodded and left the room. Betty looked at Jughead who was sitting on the couch.
"Are you scared?" He asked. She nodded and reached out her hand. He walked over and took her hand. He kissed her head. "I'll be with you the whole time." He whispered. Betty closed her eyes.
"It's late you should go to bed." She said.
"I'm not leaving you."
"I need to call my mom."
"I already texted Veronica, Archie, your mom, and my dad."
"What did they say?"
"Veronica and Archie are on their way, and I think our parents are coming but I don't know."
"What does that mean?"
"Well both texts are marked read, but they never responded."
"Oh." A nurse opened the door and came in with a tray filled with many syringes and tubes.
"Hello, Ms. Cooper. I'm here to give you your IV." She walked over to Betty's bed and placed the tray on a table next to the bed.
"I just need your hand." Betty placed her hand in the nurse's. The nurse slowly stuck the needle into Betty's hand, then connected the tube and put the medicine through the tube.
"All done."
"Wow, that was really quick. Thank you."
"Good luck." The nurse walked out of the room with the tray of needles. A couple minutes later Veronica and Archie rushed through the door.
"Hey. Oh my gosh are you okay?" Veronica ran over and hugged Betty.
"I'm fine V."
"Hey Arch." Betty reached out for Archie and he gave her a hug.
"So, are you okay? Is the pain bad?" Veronica asked.
"It's not terrible, but it does hurt." 
"Have you had the epidural yet?"
"Doctor Williams will be in soon to give it to her." Jughead said.
"Are you scared?" Veronica asked.
"Extremely." Betty said. Doctor Williams knocked on the door then came in anyway. He was holding a tray with a really big needle. He was wearing a hair net and a hospital mask.
"Oh, Hello I'm Doctor Williams." He shook Veronica and Archie's hands.
"Doctor Williams, this is Archie and Veronica. They are Ava's god parents." Betty explained.
"Oh, well nice to meet you. I don't mean to be rude, but I need you to leave the room while I inject the epidural." Veronica and Archie grabbed their things then left the room.
"So I need both of you to wear a hair net, and dad you need to wear this mask." Jughead looked astonished.
"What nobody's called you dad before?" Doctor Williams chuckled.
"I'm just not used to it." Jughead said.
"Well, you better. You're going to be a dad today." Jughead chuckled then put the hospital mask and hair net on. Betty slipped her hair net on and sat up on the bed.
"Here hold this pillow and bend over for me, just a little bit." Betty slowly bent over. "Stop, right there. Perfect. Now if you feel any pain squeeze the pillow okay." Betty nodded.
"Ready? One.....two.....three." Doctor Williams injected the needle into Betty's back, and slowly pushed it in. He injected the medicine into her back through the needle then slowly took the needle back out.
"All done. See that wasn't so bad, now was it?"
"Not at all." Doctor Williams smiled and pulled the hair net and hospital mask off. Betty and Jughead did the same. Betty layed back down on the bed and started to drift off to sleep.
"Don't fall asleep now Ms. Cooper you still need to push a baby out." Betty laughed. Doctor Williams opened the door for Archie and Veronica then left with the tray.
"Did it hurt?" Veronica asked.
"Not as bad as I thought it would."
"You guys need to sleep it's almost three in the morning." Betty said.
"There is no way I'm leaving you to deal with this on your own." Veronica said.
"We'll be with you the whole time." Archie said.
"Thanks guys." They all hugged Betty then somebody knocked on the door. Alice opened the door slightly,
"Knock, knock."
"Mom!" Alice rushed through the door, and gave Betty a hug.
"Hey, honey. How are you?"
"I'm fine mom."
"Are you in any pain."
"Kind of, but nothing bad."
"I'm so glad." Alice kissed Betty's head. "Honey, I'm so sorry you left with us on bad terms. I am so proud of you, and I know you are going to be an amazing mom." They both had tears in their eyes.
"Thank you mom."
"Look who came to see you." Alice said. Polly walked through the door.
"Hey Betty."
"Polly!" Polly ran over and gave Betty a hug.
"Congratulations, Betty."
"Thanks Polls."  Moments later FP, Jellybean, and Gladys came through the door.
"We came as quick as we could." Gladys said.
"Hey guys." Betty said.
"Hey Betty." FP walked over and gave Betty a hug, then he walked over to Jughead and hugged him.
"How are you son? Nervous?" Jughead nodded.
"Come on, I want to talk to you." FP motioned towards the door.
"Ok dad." Jughead grabbed his jacket and kissed his mom and Jellybean. "We'll be back in a second." FP said. Then him and Jughead walked out of the room.
"So, Betty how are you?" Gladys asked.
"I'm good. I'm not in a lot of pain, so that's good." Gladys nodded.
"We just came to say hi. Jellybean is technically not supposed to be here, but we snuck in."  
"Well thanks for checking on me Mrs. Jones."
"Your welcome sweety." She waved bye to everyone and left the room with Jellybean. Doctor Williams came back into the room to check on Betty.
"Oh, new people." Doctor Williams said.
"Doctor Williams this is mom and my sister, Polly."
"Well it's nice to meet you." He shook Alice and Polly's hand.
"So how are you feeling. Any nausea, headaches, dizzyness, or backpain."
"I'm a little dizzy and I'm a little nauseous."
"Well, let's see why that is." Doctor Williams checked the monitors.
"Your oxygen levels are pretty low, and I can give you some pills for the nausea. Just hold this on for about ten to fifteen minutes every half hour, or whenever you feel dizzy." Doctor Williams handed Betty an oxygen mask. She took it and held it on her nose and mouth.
"Ok, and you are nine centimeters dilated. About one more hour and you'll be ready to push the baby out."

An hour passed Jughead was back talking to Archie, Veronica was looking at fashion magazines, Polly was asleep on the couch and Alice was talking to FP and Gladys. Doctor Williams walked into the room to make sure Betty was ready.
"Ok, you're at ten centimeters. You're ready." Betty smiled and Jughead walked over to her.
"You're only allowed four people in the room, so I need you to pick whose leaving and whose staying." Doctor Williams explained.
"Um okay. Jughead, Mom, Veronica, and Polly." Betty said.
"Okay, you heard the woman. Everyone else get out." Doctor Williams teased. Everyone wished Betty luck and goodbye as they filed out the room.
"Okay Ms. Cooper. Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." She grabbed Jughead's hand.
"On three. One....two....three....push." Betty squeezed Jughead's hand and she pushed.
"One....two....three....four....five....six....seven....eight....nine....ten....relax." Betty let out a breath, and let her head fall back on the pillow. Jughead kissed her hand.
"You're doing great baby."
"Okay get ready to push. One.. two...three...push." Betty started to push again.
"I see a head." Alice said.
"She's so beautiful she's got a lot of hair." Polly said.
"Hey, Jughead do you want to see your daughter's head?" Doctor Williams asked. Jughead nodded and walked over to the end of the bed.
"Oh my god. How are you doing this?" Betty laughed.
"Okay get ready to push again. One... two...three...push." Betty pushed again.
"One....two....three....four....five....six....seven....eight....nine....ten...relax. Okay one more push, ready?" Betty nodded.
"One...two...three...push." Betty pushed.
"One....two....three....four....five....six....seven....eight....nine....ten....Ok she's out! 12:01pm time of birth." Doctor Williams placed Ava on Betty's chest. Betty wrapped her arms around her crying baby and cried too. Jughead started crying and kissed Betty's head. Veronica, Alice, and Polly started crying too. Then everyone in the room was a crying mess. Doctor Williams wrapped Ava up in a blanket and put her in the little bed next to Betty's.
"Congratulations you two."
"Thank you Doctor Williams." He hugged Betty and Jughead bye and left the room.
"Can someone get me a burger now. I haven't eaten, in like 21 hours, and I'm starving." Jughead laughed and kissed her head.
"Yeah I'll get Archie to get burgers for everyone."

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