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"Babe, what's in all these old boxes?" Betty was cleaning out closets and drawers in her and Jughead's room, to make room for the baby. At the top of their closet she found tons of old boxes stacked on top of each other.
"I don't know. It's probably just a bunch of old stuff me and Jellybean used to have." Jughead picked up one of the boxes and opened it up. He smiled as he picked up an old, tattered, stuffed dog.
"What's that?" Betty asked.
"It's was my favorite stuffed animal when I was little. I would bring him everywhere."
"That's sweet."
"I can't believe he was up there, all this time." Jughead shook his head. "I want Ava to have it." Betty leaned her head on Jughead's shoulder.
"I think she would love it." He smiled and put the stuffed dog in Ava's crib.
"How are your contractions?" Jughead asked.
"They're getting stronger and closer together, but the doctor said we don't need to go in unless they are five minutes apart."
"How far apart are they now?"
"Seven min....." Betty shut her eyes and scrunched her face up.
"Are you having one right now?" Betty nodded. When it ended she took a deep breath and opened her eyes.
"They are seven minutes apart and last for two minutes and thirty seconds."
"So she could be coming any day now?" Betty nodded her head and placed her hand on her stomach.
"I'm so nervous. But I'm also really excited."
"Me too." Jughead kissed his girlfriend. He put his hand on her stomach, and she smiled.
"Is there anything else we need to do before she comes?" Jughead asked. Betty thought. Then she gasped.
"I still haven't packed her hospital bag!"
"Why does she need a hospital bag?"
"We all need one-" Betty was cut off by another contraction.
"Wait why are you having another contraction it hasn't been seven minutes. It's only been six!" Betty relaxed and opened her eyes.
"They are getting closer together and lasting longer. That one was three minutes long."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I'm getting closer to going into labor."
"Oh my god. So, this could happen today?" Betty nodded her head.
"We could be coming home with a baby by tomorrow if this keeps up."
Jughead hugged Betty and kissed the side of her head. Betty laughed.
"Come on help me pack our bags."
"Wait, so why do we need to pack bags?"
"Becuase we'll be staying there overnight and we'll need clothes."
"Well, yeah I get that. But why does the baby need a bag?"
"The hospital doesn't provide clothes Jug. So, unless we want our daughter coming home wearing nothing but a blanket then we need to pack her clothes."
"Oh, that makes sense." Betty shook her head.
"Oh, before I forget you put the baby seat in the car right?"
"Yeah, I did that."
"Great." Betty opened a drawer and pulled out three different onsies. She folded them and put them in Ava's bag.
"How many nights are we planning on staying?" Jughead asked.
"At the most two, but babies make a lot of messes so I'm packing a bunch of clothes for Ava." Jughead nodded. Jughead sat on the bed staring at Betty go back and forth between the dresser and the bag.
"Hey, I have an idea. What if you start packing your bag instead of sitting there staring at me." Jughead laughed.
"Yes ma'am." He got up off the bed to start gathering his own stuff. About five contractions, and fifty pairs of clothes later everyone's bags were packed and ready to go. Betty zipped up her bag, and slowly stood up. She rubbed the back of her shoulder behind her neck trying to massage a tense muscle. Jughead sat on the bed and saw her struggling.
"Come here." He said. She sat down in front of him, and he rubbed her back and shoulders. She slowly rolled her head around. He stopped and moved his head, so his lips were inches away from her ear.
"Better?"  She nodded and turned to face him. They leaned into each other and shared a long kiss. Betty pulled away and looked down.
"What's wrong?" Jughead asked.
"My water just broke."

Expecting the Unexpected: My South Side PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now