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Jughead was sitting in the kitchen when he head a loud thud come from the bathroom and Betty screamed his name. Jughead ran into the bathroom to find the shower curtain ripped from the wall and Betty on the floor, blood trickling down from her head. Jughead rushed over to his girlfriend and slipped his arm under her neck, to support her head.
"Betty, what happend?"
"I slipped on some water, hit my head on the corner of the counter, then pulled the shower curtain down with me."
"We have to get you to the hospital." Jughead picked his girlfriend up and carried her out to the car. He laid her down on the back seat, then drove to the hospital as fast as he could.

Betty laid on an exam table while a nurse ran several tests to see if the baby was all right.
"Everything's fine but you guys did the right thing coming here." The nurse said.
"So nothing happened to the baby?" Jughead asked.
"She is perfectly fine. But, you Ms. Cooper are probably going to have a scar where you hit your head." The nurse exclaimed. Betty nodded and gently touched the cut on her head, covered by butterfly bandages. The nurse handed her a bottle of small pills.
"You have some brusied bones, so if you feel any pain take these. They are safe to take and will not hurt your daughter." The nurse said.
"Thank you." Betty said. The nurse nodded and left the room. Betty sat up onto her forearms and stuck her left hand out. Jughead grabbed her hand and helped her get up. Her stomach was getting larger, so simple things became harder to do. Betty and Jughead walked hand in hand into the hospital lobby to find a worried Archie and Veronica sitting in the lobby. The moment Betty and Jughead's friends saw them they rushed over, and wrapped them up into a hug.
"Is everything alright? Are you okay?" Veronica grabbed Betty's shoulders and stared at the cut on her head.
"Everything is fine V. Just some cuts and bruises."
Veronica exhaled. "Thank god."
"And Ava's okay?" Archie asked.
"She's perfectly fine." Jughead said.
"I was so scared." Veronica said as she hugged Betty.
"I was too, but I'm okay. We're okay." Betty said. "Everything is going to be fine."

Expecting the Unexpected: My South Side PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now