Chapter 2

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"Hi! You must be my neighbour!"

He happily said, smiling. That darn, infectious smile caused me to smile too.

"O-oh, yeah, I am."

I said, also smiling.

"That's nice! Do you remember me? From...earlier?"

He asked, a few weird hand gestures here and there.

"Ah, yes, I do."

I answered, quickly nodding my head, and after, fixing my hair. He was still smiling. He eventually looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. I subconsciously also looked away, also doing the same.

Damn you and your social awkwardness Y/n-

"I'm sorry if I made this conversation....awkward."

He said, looking back at me. He smiled again, and waved at me.

"It was good to meet you, miss!"

He went back to his room, and left me standing. I closed the door, and sighed. Is it just me or am I cursed with this? No wonder everyone hates me, I guess.

I went back to my bed, and quickly went to sleep. Morning eventually came. The same routine, same everything. I eventually went out of my room, to meet Philippines again. We both stopped at our doorways. His room was in front of mine, so we saw each other once again. We were both staring at each other.

It's weird but it felt like we were just here to stare at each other. I eventually realized what I was doing and started squinting my eyes unknowingly. He looked at me as if I was crazy. He blinked, and I quickly used that as an excuse to look away from him.

I smiled, and said,

"I won! You blinked!"

His weird look turned into a smile. He eventually started to laugh, and I laughed along with him. Then, I said,

"Since I know you're name, let me tell you mine. I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you."

Oh my goodness. Y/n, what were you thinking when you said that!?

"Nice to meet you too, Y/n."

He said, sweetly smiling. Did I trust him that easily? Y/n, what are you doing to yourself, you gullible human being!? He eventually left, and I was left there, standing.

I slowly walked away from my room, into the elevator, and out of the apartment. I quickly went to the flower shop, and did work like usual. I got scolded today for getting Starbucks, like usual.

Then, here comes Philippines....again.

"Hi Y/n!"


"Please, call me Phil!"


"Can I have those dandelions again?"


I quickly wrapped the dandelions into a bouquet again, and put a ribbon on it. As usual, he gave me the money and I have him his dandelions. He smelled it, and smiled, again. His smile...looks so sweet. I wonder who he's going to give those flowers to.

Then, my manager called. She was looking at me, with those sympathetic eyes. She said something, but I could barely hear it. Then, I processed it, and the words came out of my mind.


I hear that word a lot now.

She hugged me, and eventually showed me a CCTV footage. Apparently, it showed the other workers bossing me around, and laughing at me while I was lectured. I could feel myself about to tear up at the moment. The last time someone hugged me was a long, long time ago.

It was the same feeling as last time. The same feeling that made me smile. I'm happy to be feeling it again. I wish everyday was like this.

Why can't everyday be like this?

The manager let go of me, and looked at me for a while. "Let me treat you some food after your shift." My eyes widened, and I smiled. I nodded my head,"Thank you, manager!" I said, bowing. It has become quite a habit of mine to bow, and I don't know why.

"Please, call me Charlotte!" She stated. I looked up and said, "Thanks..Charlotte." She smiled and patted my back. "You can go back now." She stopped patting me, and left the room. I looked back at her, and was eventually dazed by her long, black hair. How come I've never noticed that before?

I went back to the front desk, and continued work as usual. Eventually, work ended, and as the Charlotte promised, she took me to McDonalds, and we ordered food.

"It's my treat, alright?" Charlotte said, turning her head to me. I nodded, and she said, "What do you wanna eat?" I looked at the food on the menu above the cashiers, and looked for the one with the lowest price.

"Um...I'll just have some coke." I said, smiling. "Why? You can't be on a diet, you're already thin!" She stated, a bit of bitterness in her voice. "Don't hold yourself back!" She continued. "I-I'm not holding myself back! I'm just not..hungry." I said. After a while, my stomach started growling.

"Sure, you aren't hungry." She said, glaring at me with a smirk on her face. I looked away, in guilt. "I guess I'll have chicken...then." I said, lowering my voice a bit. "That's the spirit!" She exclaimed, that sweet smile on her face. It quickly reminded me of Phil.

I looked at the entrance, and my eyes widened. It was Phil...and another person. He also had a flag on his face, and I could make out the fact that he was America.

"Why can't we eat at Jollibee, Ame?"
Phil said, with a frown on his face. He looked like a sad puppy, but instead of droopy ears, he had droopy eyes.
"Because I like it here." America said, crossing his arms. "Oh, okay then." Phil said, his face quickly turning into the optimistic person he is. America patted his back, and they both went into the line just to our right.

I unknowingly kept looking at the two countries. Especially at Phil. Charlotte eventually noticed me, and said, "Are you alright, Y/n?" I quickly looked at her, and said "Yeah, I am! Just a little..dazed. That's all." I noticed my voice made it seem like I was in a rush. But, luckily, Charlotte didn't notice a thing.

"Since I know what you're going to order, just get us a seat. The people are multiplying like crazy!" Charlotte said. I nodded my head, and quickly went out of the line, to look for vacant seats.

"Y/n!" Someone shouted. The voice...was deep, but sweet. I looked back and waved my hand, looking at Phil. He waved back at me, and asked me, "Where are you sitting?!" I scanned the place, and eventually noticed four vacant seats, just by the window.

I pointed at those seats, and said, "There!" America noticed Phil, and asked, "Who are you talking to?" I looked away, and started walking, "Oh, I'm talking to my friend, Y/n!" He said in reply. I stopped in my tracks.


I quickly ran to me and Charlotte's seats and sat down. I looked out the window, and unknowingly smiled.

He called me his friend.


~small author's note, again!~

Hey guys. Sorry if chapter 2 took a bit long to publish! Thank you to whoever reads this book! I can't be any more grateful! Like, 19 reads already!? How!? It was just the first chapter! Thank you for supporting me! And GabbMakesStoriesNow, thank you for the honorable mention! Check out her story, Star!

Anyways, thank you again. Bye!

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