Chapter 24

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"What time was it again...?" I said, trying my best not to doze off. I had to protect Phil like how he protected me, or I'll feel useless. I didn't bring anything with me, so I was bored. Talking to myself won't help. Talking to Phil is, well, I'm not even sure if he can hear me. The sun has already rised, and I want to sleep. But I'm scared that some random person might come after Phil again and hunt him down.

Then someone knocked on the door. I quickly prepped myself up, trying my best to not look tired. They opened the door, and I was glad to see it was America. "Hey America." I said,  making my voice a pitch higher, so I wouldn't seem tired. "You can go home now. I'll take care of hi-"

"I'm fine!" I said, waving my hands. "No, I think it's unfair. Plus, I wouldn't want my efforts to be wasted!" He said, scratching the back of his neck. "What do you mean..?" Then, a bunch of countries showed their faces on the door. I was surprised. Indonesia and Malaysia went up to Phil, then followed the other countries. "How did you even.." I said in shock. "Phil has a ton of friends, when I told them we found him, they followed me."

I smiled, and sighed. I eventually stood up, and decided to leave the room, but, before stepping out, I patted America's shoulder. "I'm leaving everything to you." I said as I went away. I closed the door on the way out, and met up with Britain. "You seem a tad bit tired. Do you want me to drive you home?" I smiled, and slowly nodded my head.

He and I went to his car. It looked a lot like a Volkswagen car. He opened the door for me, and I went in. He as well, went in the car after. We drove back to his home, and he went back to the hospital, while I went back to my room. It felt like an awfully tiring day for me-

"Y/N!" A voice said as they quickly tackled me down to floor of my room, hugging me. "What the-!?" I said, trying to pull away, then I saw...Alex? "What are you doing here? Why'd you hug me?" I said, sitting down as he let go of me. "You should be careful! They're going to come for you!" He said, looking at me with worried eyes. "I know they're gonna come for me anytime soon, but now?" I said, sighing.

He nodded. "Yup! But don't worry, I've got a plan so we could both get out!" He said as he held my shoulder. "How ironic. I'm the younger sibling, but you're acting like YOU are the younger one." I said teasingly. "So, tell me about the plan." I continued as I rested my head on my hand, listening to what it is he had planned. "Do you get it?" He asked, slowly nodding his head. I nodded mine as well.

"Great!" He said as he went away, then, I fell asleep on the floor. It's not a good choice, I know. But after staying up to take care of Phil, and getting tackled by my own brother, I could care less about where I sleep.
"Hey Y/n!" Another voice said as it came up to me and held my hand. I smiled, and looked at the figure, to see Phil. "Phil.." I said, smiling. "I'm glad you found me! How did you know I was in the border?"

"...what happened to you?" I said, looking down. A bit of bitterness in my voice. He stopped smiling, and sighed. "I..I, um.."

"If it was those bad guys, I swear to God I will-"

"Y/n. Calm down." Phil said, as he pulled me close to him, and hugged me. "I'll be fine. When I wake up, you won't need to sleep anymore just to see me." He said, as he let go of me. But, I wasn't satisfied with just that. "I know that, but, who did this to you?"

"It was...those guys. I don't know why they did that. I thought I was supposed to see you.." He said, having a sad tone in his voice. I felt angry, but sad. "Your friends are taking care of you in the hospital right now." I said as I looked up, smiling. "Really!?" He said happily. "I liked it more when you were taking care of me though!" He said, happily hugging me again. I laughed, and hugged him back. "Take good care of yourself, okay?" I said, as we let go of each other.

Then, I woke up. I was still on the floor, and I was relieved that no one came into my room while I was asleep. Then, someone knocked on the door. I quickly sat up, and stood up, answering the door.

"Yeah?" I said as I opened the door. "We're gonna be having another meeting today. You wanna join us?" America said, as he crossed his arms. "Why?" I asked, leaning on the door frame. "Oh you know, this mysterious disease that's going around, and Phil, those stuff." He said as he scratched the back of his head. He looked like he wanted to stay at home. He looked..tired. "You seem tired. Do you want me to take your place at the meeting?" I said, smiling. I was tired too, but this was the least I could do for the guy. He helped me find Phil after all. "You sure about that? You don't really look like yourself too."

I brushed it off. "I'm fine. You can get some rest." I said, as I regained my posture. He smiled. "You aren't that bad." He said, as he left me alone. At least I was able to repay him for what he did the last time, before...I shook my head, and went into a formal dress. I got out of my room, and rode with Britain towards the meeting. It was the same building. What could I expect? Things never change around here. Except the cities. I don't know why that changes every day. We eventually got off the car, and went down to the 100th floor of the building.

We eventually reached the meeting venue, and I looked for a chair with an American flag on it. Luckily, it was just next to Britain's. I sat on it, and received a lot of weird looks. I didn't say anything about it though. I grabbed a pen and a notebook, and fixed myself. "You're not America." Canada said as he sat in his seat. I shrugged. "Favor for a friend." Then, someone who came in the room captured my attention.

Britain stood up from his seat, and welcomed the guest. "Thank you for attending this meeting for you brother, Del Pilar." I looked at him weirdly. His flag was like his two brothers, but the red was on top, and black was on the bottom. The triangle on the side of the flag was blue. He came in wearing what I would assume was a general's outfit in the Philippines back in the days.

"Thank you for welcoming me." The person simply said, as he walked towards Phil's seat. I had a bad feeling about this. But, that was probably for me. Then, the meeting commenced. I wrote down all the important information and topics there was, so that America could catch up with the rest, even if he wasn't with us. Then, a knock sounded from the door. My grip on the pen tightened.

I stood up from my seat, and excused myself. I answered the door, and sighed. It was them. I slowly closed the door, and let them take me. After all, I despised them more than anything. Hurting my brother, Phil, oh I was mad. If only I could remember what my brother told me.


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