Chapter 17

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"Another special one, huh?"

The man said, as he looked at someone who wore the same black suit and tie as him. "I really don't like what you guys are doing here." A man with Halo and wings said, as he came in the room, fixing his white tie, and buttoning his blue vest.

"U.N, this is for the benefit of this world! You'd be going against the good of this world! Tell me, are you the good guy, or the bad guy?" The man said bitterly, as he glared at him. "I'm not in any position to say what I am." U.N said, as he went near the huge monitor in front of him, displaying different photos of Y/n.

"Humans like her, don't deserve your harsh treatments." U.N said, as he put his hands in his pockets. "Now, now, it is not harsh. There is a reason to why they are like this. Why they were able to go through the border. This is not torture! This is the future! The main tool, for the countries to stay in the human world for as long as they want!" The man said, as he put his hand on U.N's shoulder, as if he was a friend.

U.N sighed, knowing he could do nothing about this. His behavior, and his decisions were something he couldn't really contain. After all, he was quite an ambitious man. He went back outside, but stopped on the doorway. "Just know, this is wrong. All of it is. This project, if I may be honest, should burn." U.N sternly said, and left the room. The two people glared at him. "Tch." The other one said to themselves, and went back to work.

"Experiment on the other kid. He's had too much peace for today." The man said, and left the room.



I groaned as I got up from my soft bed. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking. How many days do I have left? Will I still be able to spend time with Phil? What does mahal kita mean!? What should I do with my resurrection powers if I can't even die!? What kind of torture will they do to me!? Are there even different types of torture?

I flopped back down, and eventually heard a voice. "So this is what happens when you have no one to talk to, huh?" The voice said, as I looked to my side, to see Alexa. "Alexa! It's been so long!" I said, smiling happily. "Yeah, judging from one sentence coming out of that mouth of yours, you've gone crazy." The female bitterly said, as she sat up. I rolled my eyes and glared at her, pouting my mouth.

"I'm not crazy! What do you mean!?" I said, crossing my arms. "A lot of things. Like, oh, I don't know. You, going out to find your brother in 2:00, IN THE MORNING!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms as well. "How did you know I did that?" I asked, curiosity brimming in my voice. "Let's just say, I know what you can and will do when no one disagrees with your sole opinion, Y/n."

I looked away, a sad look on my face. "Do you have a problem with my search and rescue mission?" Alexa went to where I was facing, a concerned look on her face. "Rescue..? You're going to rescue your brother?" She mumbled out. I nodded my head, breaking my crossed arms. "I will, after all, I want to see him again!" I excitedly said, the frown on my face turning into the brightest smile I could give. I will save him! That is,

If I still can.

Alexa smiled, and looked away. "I hope you do." She said, as she started tearing up. She looked outside the window, and smiled. "Isn't it lovely? The night sky?" A tear fell down her face, as she looked back at me. And just then, I saw my brother in her. My eyes started getting teary, and I started crying. I felt transparent. Like, anyone could see through me.

I wanted someone to talk to and be with, not just someone who will talk to me and forget me. I wanted to actually be with someone who was willing to be with me and enjoy their time with me, not someone who'll have to watch me get injured and possibly die. I just wanted family, not cold shoulders. I just wanted my friends and family back. Not karma ruining all the good I did.

With all the time I had left, well, actually, I don't even know if I had time left. I just wanted to see my brother again at least, or, be with Phil and Charlotte. I smiled at Alexa, and before I knew it, she was gone. I frowned, and started crying. "C-can't I talk with someone, just for a while, please!?" I pleaded to the skies, even if I knew no one would hear me.

"Y/n? You can't sleep too?" Phil said, as he slowly opened to door. I looked at him, tears still running down my face. His eyes widened, and he quickly ran to me, hugging me. "Y/n..." The moonlight passed through the windows, illuminating the scene. It felt like the world just stopped, and focused on the two of us. I hugged him back, an obvious smile on my face, despite tears falling down my face.

"If you need someone to talk to, text me at least!" Phil said, letting go of me, while he pouted. "Anyways, why are you crying?" He asked as he slowly wiped away the tears on my face. "I'm just, scared." I said, clenching my fist. "Scared of what?" He asked as he tilted his head, and cupped my cheek. "Scared of losing time, scared that I will never see you again, scared that I'm going to get captured and die, scared that I might never see my brother or Charlotte again. I'm just..."

Phil hugged me, and I slowly just started to cry even more.

"It's alright. Just, keep on crying. I'll be here all night."

It was just another night. Dad came back home late, and mom was there, obviously mad. The two started fighting. I don't know why.

It got louder and louder, and before I knew it, I was already crying. I curled up in the corner of my room, really scared. My hands were covering my ears, and I tried to breathe loudly, in hopes of lowering the screaming voices I could hear.

The wind blew the silk curtains of the room, and there came my brother, opening the window. He came in, wearing his blue pajamas. I ran to him, and hugged him. He hugged me back, and I quickly felt more relaxed. I didn't know why, but I just feel more relaxed.

He ruffled my hair, smiling. Then, he said,

"Just keep crying. I'm here for you."


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