Chapter 8

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I woke up again, to see the same room I was sleeping in when I was with Russia. I held my head, and quickly remembered what happened. I...

I died.

"No you didn't, you idiot."

I looked back, my eyes wide.

"You merely came back to life!"


"You resurrected!"

Alexa said, emphasizing resurrected. I stood up, and started walking around the room, shaking my head and repeating "This isn't true." Over and over again. Alexa sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You can't go to the afterlife that easily!"

"Yes, but, I don't want to keep on dying over and over again!"

"'re a smart kid, thinking like that."

" this a game?"

"If it was, you probably would have gotten A LOT of relationship points with Phil already."

Alexa said, as she faded away once again. I couldn't handle it. The thought of dying many times and living again. Russia came in the room with my clothes, and I dressed up, once again. I looked into the mirror, and saw fear in my own eyes, instead of the happy eyes I once saw. Time came. Russia and I went up the same direction, to the meeting. Silence filled the car, up until we reached the meeting.

I was just there, emotionless. Britain called me, and I sat down, not even glancing at anyone. Not even at Phil. After the meeting, we encountered each other once again. The same things happened, and Phil hugged me again. That was the only time I felt relaxed. I then realized, I could fix my mistake.

I tucked Phil's sleeve, directing his attention towards me. "Can we...ride on someone's car?" He tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why?" He asked. I shook my head, tightening my grip on his sleeve. "I'm just...tired." I said, looking down. He looked down as well, to see a pair of heels. He widened his eyes, and slowly nodded. "Malay! Indo! We're going to ride on America's car!" He exclaimed. They nodded their head, with Malay waving his hand. "Wait, what!?" I turned my head, to see an enraged American, going to Phil.

"No way-" He continued, but Phil cut him off. He stared at him with a death glare. "Why don't you be more hospitable to Y/ colonizer..?" Phil said, gritting his teeth. His flag looked like it was changing colors. America gulped, and quickly took back his answer. "Okay, okay! Don't get too worked up!" He quickly said, waving his hands. Phil quickly put a smile on his face, and went on. "Good!" The three of us went up, and safely got back home.

The next thing I knew, we were at America's car. Phil was at the front seat, while I was in the back. "Don't you have your own car, Phil?" America said, looking at the front. "I do, but I walked my way here, so things are" Phil replied, a wide grin on his face. I chuckled, and looked outside. Then, my eyes widened. Around this time, there should have been a car crash around this area. But everything is intact.

What happened? There was still supposed to be a car crash, but...what..? Was that...intentional? I shook my head. It can't be. I was probably dreaming or something. I slid my fingers through my hair, and looked away. "Hey Y/n! What do you want for dinner today? I-I mean midnight snack?" Phil asked, as he looked back at me. "Huh? Oh um...can we have f/f?" Phil nodded his head. "Sure! Are you alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost." He asked. I shook my head, and looked down.

Phil looked at the front again, and we eventually reached his house. Me and Phil waved bye to America, and looked at the house. It looked pretty simple to be honest. It was just like any other house in the block. I went in, after Phil, and he led me to my room. "This is your room. Dress up, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable!" He said. I nodded, and went into the room. I got {insert choice of clothing here} because it seemed comfortable. I went down, to see Phil with f/f. He looked back, and a faint tint of pink filled his face. I ran to the side of the couch and sat down. He looked at me, and laughed. I blushed, and laughed with him.

"Y/n, get some!" Phil stated. I nodded my head, and got some. We ate together, while watching some TV. It was your typical midnight shows. We laughed so much. Without knowing it, I was already leaning on his shoulder. He looked at me, blushing. I looked at him, and furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you...alright?" I asked. I realized what I was doing, and quickly backed away. "I-If you're tired, Y/n, tell me!" I nodded my head, and went back to watching some TV.

My eyes were drowsy, and I was tired. Phil was still watching the TV, his eyes wide open. He was laughing, and whatnot. I blushed, and kept on staring at him. I was happy to have saved him. He would have died with me. What if..I couldn't ressurect? I would have thrown away a good friendship. I put my legs up, and wrapped my arms around them, resting my head on my legs.

What would happen if we were really close now? Would we laugh with each other? Will he get mad at me and forget me? I don't know. Only time can tell. I noticed he was getting sleepy, and slowly, he started dozing off. I put my legs down, and rested him on my lap. I turned off the TV, and just stared at him, smiling. "You're cute, to be honest." I unknowingly said. It was true anyways. I rested my head on the arm rest, and slowly closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.

I'm so happy to have met you. I'm glad I could save you. Phil.


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