Chapter 9

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Morning came, and I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up, and saw a blushing Phil on the corner of the couch. He looked! I slowly crawled up to him, and put my hand on his forehead. "You'" Phil blushed even more, and started covering his face.

"You should rest! Who knows, you might be sick!" He slowly slid down, traumatized. I went up, and slid into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I looked inside the fridge, and got myself some eggs and parsley. I cracked the eggs, and put the parsley in, and mixed them together. I prepared the frying pan, and poured the egg in.

"Y/n! You really don't need to do that!"
Phil said, rushing in. But, I didn't stop. Phil stood behind me, and smiled at the sight of omelette. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Wow! You make really good-looking omelettes!" I blushed, and giggled a little. "Th-thanks Phil.." I said, as I flipped the egg.

Phil, kept on looking, until I finished cooking. He quickly Naruto ran to the table, and I heard him throw himself into the nearest seat. I giggled, as I put the omelette onto the plate. I grabbed two plates and two spoons and forks, and set them on the table. Phil happily looked at me, as if he was a kid. I rushed into the kitchen in excitement, and grabbed the omelette, and put it onto the table. Me and Phil sat next to each other, and before I could grab a piece of it, Phil looked at me, tilting his head.

I quickly retracted my hand, and looked at him, biting on my fork. "You don't pray?" He asked. I shook my head. "I was never really the religious type of girl." (Sorry bois) I said, shrugging. He nodded his head. "Ah, I see." He put his hands together, and prayed. He finished praying and smiled at me. "Go ahead!" He said. I shook my head, and waved my hand in disagreement. "You go ahead! I cooked it, and I want to know what it tastes like for you!"

He looked at the omelette and happily nodded his head. He stabbed his fork onto the poor egg, and took a part of it. He ate it, and his smile brightened. He looked at me, happily chewing his food. I put my thumb up, and he nodded. I smiled, and quickly took a part of the omelette. We both are together, until we finished eating.

Not long, we both took a shower. I was dressing up, until Phil knocked on my door. "Y/n..wanna...hang out after this?" I nodded my head, despite him not seeing me. "Sure!" I happily replied back. I went into {insert choice of clothing here}, and quickly went out to see Phil. I saw him, waiting for me downstairs. He was still in his usual jacket and all. He waved at me, and I rushed down to him.

We both went out of the house, and went into a bunch of places in Countryland. " you wanna go now?" He asked, crossing his arms. "I don't know, honestly. I'm just following the leader." I replied, putting my hands behind my back.
"I'm just going to the comfort room."
He stated. I nodded my head, and he went off. I turned around, to see a bunch of necklaces. I started going near those necklaces, to see a pendant one. "You can insert an image on that." The lady said. I looked up, and asked, "How much does it cost?" The lady answered back. "Just {insert choice of price here}." It was in my price range! I smiled, and bought it.

I put in a picture of me and Phil from the arcade. It was me doing a peace sign with him. I inserted the picture of me and him, and smiled. I gave it to the sales clerk and she wrapped it up for me. I got it, and paid for it. I left, a big smile on my face.
He looked at me, and smiled. We both chuckled, and looked away. I got out the gift, and put my hand out with it. He looked at it, and his eyes widened, a pink tint covering his face once again. He took is from me, and opened it. He covered his mouth, and blushed. "It's...a thank you gift." I said. He put his hand down. "For what?" He asked. "For being so kind to me." He smiled, and hugged me. After, he was already wearing it.

We went to a lot of places. Like the store, some restaurants, the cinema, and more. We were walking down the street, about to go back to his house. I noticed that he kept on caressing the necklace. I blushed, loving the fact that he appreciated it. I rushed up to him, and patted his back. He quickly hid the necklace, blushing. He turned, to see me. "Y/n!" He said, patting me hard on the back. I didn't want to say punch, cause it wasn't even near a punch.

I cackled, and we both cracked up, laughing, almost hysterically. We eventually arrived in Phil's house. We both went in, and as we both went in, we both flopped on the bed. We stretched, smiling. "Today was pretty nice, right Y/n?" He asked, turning his gaze towards me. I nodded. "I couldn't agree more." I noticed something. I feel more confident than before. I can say what I feel without hesitating anymore. I hugged a couch pillow, and fell down, resting my head on the soft cushion of the sofa.

"I'm going to go make us some dinner." Phil said, as he stood up, and went into the kitchen. I nodded my head, and went ahead for the remote. I opened the TV, and my eyes widened at the first thing I saw.

"A couple was found dead during a car crash at the side of {insert random name here} bridge. Here's Gabrielle Reynolds to give you the details."

"Since you saved yourselves, I had to at least replace you guys with someone else to not break time."

"Why'd you.."

"I don't know. Maybe avoided your own fate."


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