•10k Special!•

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A beeping noise came from a speaker somewhere in a huge dark room. Lights opened, and a girl, reading the script appeared. "Go!" She said loudly. A man bringing a clapperboard went into the scene and clapped the filmsticks shut. The clap sounded across the whole room. The camera started rolling, and the scene began.
"Shoot. Forgot my lines." Y/n said frantically as she rushed to get her script. "Y/n! Not again! Why does this keep happening? We're already nearing the deadline!" The director said hopelessly, as she watched Y/n read her lines again. "Popcorn, you probably shouldn't have procrastinated though.." Philippines said as he looked at her, concerned. "Yeah I know." Popcorn said shamefully as she looked away. "Alright! Now I know!" Y/n said as she rushed back to her position with a smile on her face. The director let out an exasperated sigh. "Go!" She said once again, and the filmsticks were shut.

"I think I should probably go home now." Y/n said, looking away." "Where?" Philippines asked. "To, the city. You know, past the border." After a while of dialogue, everything was going so well. Popcorn was smiling through her teeth at their performance. And, the time came. Their long awaited break. "AND....CUT!" Popcorn said as she snapped her fingers on 'cut'. "Good job guys! I'll give a break. Make sure you read and memorize your scripts before we start!" Y/n and Philippines nodded their head, and went off to their dressing rooms to fix themselves and memorize their scripts.

Once the two came out, the shooting began again. It was the kissing part. Philippines was very hesitant when he was about to kiss Y/n. And so was she. It's either, the two wanted to gather their senses, or they look at each other for too long before proceeding. "Guys, just imagine, you are the perfect couple! I mean, I'm sure you guys know that feeling..right? That feeling when you just want to kiss your significant other? Cause I don't. But, I can imagine!" The director said with a happy tone that gradually turned into a pitiful one.

"Anyways, let's do another take. This time, no hesitation, alright? Let's try our best on this one!" Popcorn said, as she sat on a chair. The clapperboard clapped, and the scene started. They were closing the distance between them. The closer they were to each other, their hearts beat harder. Their faces were very red. So close. They're almost there. They're so close...then, the doors slammed open.

"GUYS! I BROUGHT MCDONALD'S FOR...wait, what set is this?" America asked, examining the room. "America you.. you just..damn it." Popcorn said, as she let out an exasperated sigh. She laid her forehead on her hand, contemplating her existence and how she ended up here. "So, this isn't the set of Star?" He asked, completely surprised. "This is the Kindness set." Philippines said, as he looked at him with visible dissapointment in his face. "Well fu*k." America said, as he slowly closed the doors back again. Popcorn, who just lost all motivation she once had, continued the filming.

Eventually, with all their remaining sanity and motivation left, they reached the second to the last scene. Where Alexa was needed. But she was nowhere to be seen. "WHERE'S ALEXA?!-" Popcorn shouted from the top of her lungs as she looked for her in every place a living human being could hide themselves in. Philippines and Y/n were also helping her. "Philip, did you find her?" Y/n asked with a concerned tone in her voice. "No, what about you?" He asked, worried. "I haven't found her either..." Y/n said, as she sighed. "Don't worry, we'll find her soon, I'm sure!" Philippines said reassuringly as he gave her a warm smile. Y/n gave him a small smile and nodded her head. "You're right!"

Y/n said, fired up to find her. Philippines blushed at the thought of her smiling, and giggled. Eventually, Alexa opened the door to the set. "Hey guys!- Oh. Uh.." She said, completely dumbfounded. "YOU! Where were you?!" Popcorn said angrily, as she approached her. "I sent you a text!" Alexa said, as she got her phone out. "Wait, really?" She said, surprised. Then, her phone rang. She got it out, and checked the notification she just got.
It was from Alexa. Popcorn face palmed, and let out a sigh. The shooting started again. Luckily, this time, until the end, there were no interruptions. So the crew was able to finish the last chapter before the deadline. Popcorn walked away from the celebrating crew, and just flopped down on her desk and fell asleep. Philippines and Y/n were left alone together while the crew went out ahead to eat. "Hey." Philippines said, looking at Y/n. The female looked at him with a happy look on her face. "Yeah?" She asked, as she tilted her head. "Wanna go..um..eh...wanna, uh.." Philippines said, stuttering. Y/n giggled as she waited patiently for him to finish whatever he was trying to say. "Wanna eat or hang out with me sometimes?" He said, flustered.

"Like, a date..?" Y/n asked in a sly tone as she leaned closer to him. "Well, uh..um.." He said, averting his gaze from her as he backed away. "I'm just kidding. Sure! Just call or text me. I'd be glad to hang out with you anytime." She said, a small blush forming on her cheeks. He beamed, and hugged her. "Thanks!" He said. Y/n hugged him back, and the two eventually went out to eat with the crew while Popcorn was left to sleep on her desk. Or was she even sleeping in the first place? She sneaked out of her office, and giggled.

"I ship it."


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